So, apple has announced their new iPhones and they are pretty decent (still waiting on 6). Who here plans on getting one?

I think i want the 5c, how about you guys?

5c = way overpriced for a 'budget' smartphone that doesn't move the iPhone forward (A6 chip for example) and is horribly plastic.

5s = world's first 64-bit smartphone with the A7/M7 combo and some truly exciting tech specs.

No brainer...

I think smartphone prices are way too high. For example the Iphone costs: £40 per month if your getting it on a contract. But actually, the cost(500)/the length of the contract(24) = 20.83 which is the price of the phone per month.

Therefore you could buy a £1000 PC(or anything else in your interest) for the price of the IPhone, I know which I would rather have :)

You would rather lug a £1000 PC around with you and use Skype, assuming you can find the WiFi to connect to, instead of a phone? Really? takes all sorts... ;-)

Can you even buy monitors like that any more? :)

Both are absolutely horrendous, if you absolutely need an iPhone (???) get the 4S or something cheap. No need to pay tons of money.

i will happily take 5s if you gift me <m/> :).
Even dani sis you can also gift me. :P
When can i expect the gift ??? :o

I'm content with my iPhone 5 for now.

I intend to switch to a Windows phone when I get tired of my 4S. ;p

I carried a cell phone for ten years before I retired because I was on 24x7 standby. When I retired I turned it in and never got another one. I plan to continue not having one. However, if I did own one I would continue using it as long as it worked rather than contribute to an ever growing pile of electronic gadgets that were abandoned by their owners simply because they had to get the latest and greatest.

I'm hoping the random full discharge of my 2 year old phone last year isn't the beginning of the end for it.
If it is, I might look for a new one, or just revert to a 6 year old model I keep as a spare and use that for another 2-3 years.

Most of us older folks lived our entire lives without a phone attached to our bodies, so what we never had we never miss. I have a cell phone (not a smartphone) but rarely carry it with me. The only reason I even have the damned thing is so that I can have it in the car in case of an emergency. It came in handy a couple times for that. Otherwise for me it is just a useless toy.

to all the older folks ranting about smartphones :

I'm pretty sure your elders told you the same thing you are telling us about computers and the internet, yet here you are, posting on technology forums ;)

I will probly tell my children and grand-children they dont need whatever toys their generation comes up with!!!

commented: true dat! :) +0

Most of us older folks lived our entire lives without a phone attached to our bodies, so what we never had we never miss.

And you walked 10 miles everywhere...up hill...both ways, and you were thankful for it. ;)

I didn't have a cell phone until my late 20s, but that doesn't make it any less useful to me now.

And you walked 10 miles everywhere...up hill...both ways, and you were thankful for it. ;)

And in snow up to my waist :)

And in snow up to my waist :)

while facing a blizzard headon, wearing only shorts and sandals.

I think the name says it all. When I first saw this topic I thought 5 cents or 5 seconds. Does that reviel anything to you. Means it's worth 5c and get's tossed out in 5s.

Just joking here so don't be offended. But I was confused with the topic name until I opened it. I admit I am a fan of certain features of the iPhone and think every prisoner should have one so the government can keep track of where our prisoners are just like they do with us. Ever seen that news story for the data stored on the current iPhone containing gps data in raw format meaning any app can tell where you've been and what you've been doing. Just seems like a bit of a privacy concern to me.

Member Avatar for Dalek Caan

I will see if my AppleCare coverage gets me a "new" (refurb) iPhone 4s, as I have fallen victim to the design flaw in the power button. I am out of contract and would rather stay that way. As long as Apple replaces my iPhone 4s without needing to sign another contract, it'll be the 4s until it dies. If they will not, I will get the 5s (as opposed to 5c) since I will then need to go into contract, anyway.

It was all easier when your only choice was Ma Bell... LOL

im just gooing to leave this interesting article for the apple fans! :)

Hardly interesting. I've seen umpteen articles like that going in every direction, every which way, and always with different lists of features that are the "XYZ killer".

Though I especially enjoyed the mention of screen dimensions (a hardware feature) in a list comparing operating systems. Could the author not find enough legitimate OS features that "beat" iOS to make it a round 10? ;)

i understand your point deceptikon, i hardly believe any new device or os update will be the "apple killer" and i know there are thousands of articles just like this one, i simply picked one quickly from google.

Ill give you that the iphone 4s took really great picture and videos in concert settings that totally make my current note 2 feel like a potato.

The main reason i campaign agaisnt apple to my friends and family is that i am against their "closed circuit" buisness model. Their way of always restricting users to what they judge is correct use of their product instead of merely suggesting it. There is a set of actions the iphone is designed to let you perform, and anything else is in a wway or another blocked/forbidden/illegal/voids your wanranty...

I dont even customize my android device that much. I have seen videos that push it lot farther than i would even want to take it, but the fact that people who would want that can, sells it for me.

Then, from that point where i prefer android, i start to feel hatred for apple when i see them advertising "the next big thing" for 800$ that doesnt include technology available and currently on the market for months or even years (like NFC). Thus giving them a chance to milk you again in 6 months when they come up with "the new next bigger thing with that thing we couldve put in the earlier next big thing but decided not to so we could come up with this one!"

anyhow, enough for now! :)

no need to mortgage your phone to a contract, just buy one that's not locked and put your existing SIM card in it...

Contracts work out at about double the price of the phone...

depends on the contract, but you do indeed pay more for the phone if you get it as part of a contract than when you buy it outright.
Which is hardly surprising. You're effectively buying the phone on credit...

The only thing I've seen between the two phones (which stands out to be prominent) is the fingerprint recognition on the 5s. I think the what's actually making the big difference here is iOS7. Personally, I'll stick with my 4s for now.

commented: yeah, that sounds accurate +0

I have upgraded my 4S to a 5s this week and I'm very happy with it. It's much faster in operation than the 4S was running iOS7 (unsurprisingly), bigger screen estate, thinner, lighter, excellent camera, fingerprint scanner works well enough, I'm liking AirDrop, I'm liking the Lightning Connector, I could go on.

Would I have upgraded from a 5? No. But from a 4/4S I think it's something of a no-brainer if you have already invested heavily in the iPhone brand (not just financially either).

Talking of financials, I have sold the 4S already and got enough for that to mean my upgrade cost me nothing and actually made me a small profit. Yes, I'm on contract but I'm happy with that and would have stayed on contract whatever so that whole contract/sim free argument doesn't apply in my case.

PS: Why has Apple gone from upper to lower case 's' for the 5 I wonder?

PS: Why has Apple gone from upper to lower case 's' for the 5 I wonder?

I think it is because the 5 and the S would look fairly similar.

I have upgraded my 4S to a 5s this week and I'm very happy with it. It's much faster in operation than the 4S was running iOS7 (unsurprisingly), bigger screen estate, thinner, lighter, excellent camera, fingerprint scanner works well enough, I'm liking AirDrop, I'm liking the Lightning Connector, I could go on.

Same here, except i upgraded my 5 :D My parents and i got gold (all 32gb):D

Just got my yellow iPhone 5C to match my car and belly. You simply need a smartphone now-a-days so you can act like all the other idiots fingering the thing.

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