Sup guys, I just made my new site. Its about cars as you can see. I just made it so its not completly finished. The forum is complete though. So, if you want please sign up for the forum. I would really appreciate it.

Yeah, I like em, but don't know much about em.. :(

Yup. Cars and computers are my biggest thing in life. (on the un-living side of things). I guess friends and family for the living. :-P I was going to get a Greddy exhaust for my Civic, but went with a Tsudo instead. Wish I had big money for a nice Supra, or MR2. :)

Cars are okay, but a truck will help you more!

I would like to see someone powerslide or drift though in a truck... without tipping over that is. :-P

Yup. Cars and computers are my biggest thing in life. (on the un-living side of things). I guess friends and family for the living. :-P I was going to get a Greddy exhaust for my Civic, but went with a Tsudo instead. Wish I had big money for a nice Supra, or MR2. :)

Oh no, another Civic owner. Civics are way overrated. :cool:

Like I said, I wish I had money for a Supra or MKII-MR2. I had an MKI, but ironically, I have more fun with my Civic.

Yes, too many people have civics, but their not expensive and are really easy to modify. I wish i had the money to get a integra atleast, but i would love to have a supra. Pullin up to those ugly stangs and showing off my BOV(blow off valve, for u non-smart car people,lol). I personally like going fast, and looking good at the same time. Where domestics love trying to go fast and looking horrible:lol:
The 6gc(celica) is my favorite car for the price. to see what im talking about :) payce

I think I'll stick with my Cavalier. Point A to point B and I can afford to feed it. :cheesy:

My car um... moves and stuff.... and it has an engine and a new 7 dollar gas cap!!!!!

Goddam stoners always leaving their gas caps behind! :cheesy:

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