I thought the purpose of the book reviews section was for people to post their own review of books, giving their own opinion?

Root's review of HTML Complete appears to be a copy of the blurb put out by the publishers. I'm not sure that it helps people much in trying to decide whether a book is worth having or not. Publishers don't generally give an honest appraisal of their books, it's not good marketing ;-)

I thought the purpose of the book reviews section was for people to post their own review of books, giving their own opinion?

Root's review of HTML Complete appears to be a copy of the blurb put out by the publishers. I'm not sure that it helps people much in trying to decide whether a book is worth having or not. Publishers don't generally give an honest appraisal of their books, it's not good marketing ;-)

I do believe they give good honest views of there books, perhaps "PM" would be a better idea, than to waste a thread. I read what I wrote, and that was what gave me the thought of buying the book from the mall.. I did not have to read through the book, or read some online review of someones option =)

I don't consider it a waste of a thread, it was a valid question. Perhaps it would be helpful if people pointed out when they were simply quoting the publisher rather than posting their own assessment of the book.

i've read code complete, the author stays true to the book. it really is as good as they say it is. if the authors telling the truth about the book, why wouldn't it be right to quote him?

Code Complete and HTML Complete are two quite different books.

Code Complete and HTML Complete are two quite different books.

I have yet to read that one.

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