that question is so ...
things we perhaps should not post in a reply

"You personify the zero end of every 0-10 scale"

"We have never seen that point on the zero-bullshit scale before"

"right down the bottom end of the forethought 0-10 scale

"the first thing your potential customers see is you asking questions that prove you don't know shit"

"that point on the zero-to-bullshit scale is not seen often, thanks for dragging it out for us to view"

"get off your lazy @ss and make an attempt"

"depart post haste and return thou not, til thou hast wit enough that were wit dynamite, thou couldst blow thine hat from atop thine head"

"Do your own bloody homework"

"How dumb do you have to be ?"

"Go away, read and learn something about that in which you pretend to be competent"

"Dont drag up old crap. If some other idiot drags up old crap, dont reply"

"Piss-poor teaching standards, even if you do finish the course there won't be much value in the [joke]qualification[/joke]"

"Incidentally posting a link to your site on this thread, that says "I don't know what I am doing" DOES NOT help your business"

"The site traffic has decreased, and will continue to decrease, you have proven incompetent in the field you pretend to occupy, SEbots are very AI, even a robot can determine useless."

"You advertise in your signature skills you don't have, pretend you have some, go away and read"

"of course it expects others to do its homework"

"get off your lazy behind and do something"

"you could just -eff off"

"Yet another "professional" completely ignorant of that which they claim as their profession."

"urgent, not to anyone but you it isnt "

"Links to your resume, from this well SEIndexed thread where you state your incompetence, will not help your employment search."

"19 is wrong
20 is wrong
26 is wrong
39 is wrong"



"more homework die('lazy student');"

"the translations of helpscreens can make one procedural error, and f-up your whole week"

"well slap me down, let me google that for you"

"You have to leave at least 2 options, so people can always choose the wrong one"

I have had an interesting series of posts lately, anybody else have a doozie

Reverend Jim commented: But I can still think it, right? +0
ddanbe commented: Great item! +0

(repeat) "We have never seen that point on the zero-bullshit scale before"

"You exemplify the; shallow end of the gene pool, zero end of the 0-10 scale, reason why some animals eat their young, me generation, failure of the school system, lack of intellect,"

thats where I mant to put the bs meter

I didnt realise there were so many untill I posted them,
Wierd these are all from posts voted up,
Everybody must be thinking it

"more homework die('lazy student');"

I think i should use that one...

"Dont drag up old crap. If some other idiot drags up old crap, dont reply"
"Do your own bloody homework"
"How dumb do you have to be ?"
"you could just -eff off"
"get off your lazy @ss and make an attempt"
"of course it expects others to do its homework"

I already use these...

My additions:

Go follow a nitting course instead of IT.
You better start up a candyshop!

Ha, that's a relieve, ventilating what you sometimes think without offending the rules of Daniweb. :)

Oh, I'm sure now, we SHOULD make these responses

Glad its figured out,
Glad it didnt actually work
Glad I don't give a shit
lots of luck with all future f̶a̶i̶l̶u̶r̶e̶s̶ endeavours

"You put ten monkeys on computers and they will eventually come with a better program than you did!"

"It will only take ten minutes for them to come up with most Linux commands."

I wonder if we could get Narue posting here.

"<?php die('thief'); ?>"

I searched and searched and couldn't find an answer for this question.

There are no answers to be found in a video game

Keep watching TV, the answer might come up.

  • What were you thinking? Were you thinking? Well, there's the problem.

  • I think I see the problem your code. You!

  • Is there actually a question with this code or are did just want to post a code snippet? (Subject was "Help me")

I must admit to using the last one.

Major obvious error, and was pleased to receive this notification, on the bottom of the board, under the correction

they piled up the non-functioning braincells in the room, it was just like you

Whoever did it, gets immediate extra credit

Member Avatar for diafol

Only just come across this thread. V. funny.

How about:

You have just proven that the human variant of BSE can be caught through rumination of BFM (bovine faecal matter).

Major obvious error, and was pleased to receive this notification, on the bottom of the board, under the correction "they piled up the non-functioning braincells in the room, it was just like you"
Whoever did it, gets immediate extra credit

The young gentleman presented today,
with video of himself making the correction, did not req extra credit, graduated summa cum laude,
just wanted my voiceover to the video
some days are good

Error_Message.png The solution to every problem

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