
This Sunday should the 45 day mark when the ban occurs.

Let the app wars begin.

I haven't been following this but it seems to me (uninformed opinion coming) that the powers that be like to rant about free speech. These rants seem to take two forms.

  1. They are for it when they can spout their own lies and propoganda.
  2. They are against it when they can't.

What is their specific beef with Tik Tok/WeChat? Keeping in mind that the right wing has no idea what the First Amendment really means. Or any of the other ones when you think about it.

Hi RJ,

While what's going on can be debated I find the whole debacle interesting as for decades I never worried about software being banned. Yes, you could get into trouble if you used some app to pirate content but the app and code itself was, until now considered free speech (or was it?)

I can't guess what the specific beef was with TikTok/WeChat but the "official" stance was about spying on users. It doesn't matter if it happened or not as the current POTUS doesn't care about that.

My take is it's all about the money. Reference:
"Trump says TikTok sale can go through but only if the US gets a cut" (condensed version.)

It's likely that friends of DJT want a cut of the action.

Which would be illegal.

commented: With a friendly Attorney General, there's a lot less risk for illegal actions committed by friends of DJT. +0

This just in: Investigations begin (USA) into Fortnite and League Of Legends connections to China.

My take is for big apps like these you will have dev teams all over the world to handle localization efforts.

I see Ruth Bader Ginsburg just died leaving a Supreme Court seat open. Even if the GOP doesn't rush another appointment through (what's this Biden Rule you keep mentioning), that still leaves the court heavily slanted to the right. So forget justice from the Attorney General or the Supreme Court. And I recall hearing McConnell just pushed through another round of federal judge appointments.

I think you've been hearing something from the orange man or his followers. I know nothing about a Biden Rule but those folk seem to think Biden should have issued a mask mandate.

Moderator George Stephanopoulos pointed out that Biden encouraged governors to institute mask mandates.

"Well no, but he didn’t do it. I mean, he never did it," Trump said.

There's more out there on that one.

We already have censorship on apps at Apple and Google. Now we have USA, China and what other countries?

PS. I'm reading there are 100 Million US TikTok users. That can't be right.

Yeah. The GOP kept harping on the "Biden Rule" at the time, and everyone knew it was bullshit at the time. It had even less validity than the "rule" about not indicting a sitting president.

This just in:

Trump gives blessing to deal to allow TikTok to continue to operate in U.S

I guess Oracle will be blessed now.

Apparently Trump thinks kids should be educated to be patriots instead of bleeding hearts who learn about crap like slavery, and racial/gender equality and all that other pansy stuff.

Seems to me China did something like that years ago. Except they called it re-education.

Silly me. I always thought that kids should be taught how to think, not what to think. Do we want future generations to be critical thinkers, or just mindless, passive consumers?


I think we can figure this out by thinking about those SAFE SPACES on college campuses where young minds won't get their feelings hurt or think for themselves.

My Answer: Mindless passive super-consumers.

PS. Greek Philosopher quote:

¨If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you’d be furious. Yet, you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled — have you no shame in that?¨- Epictetus

commented: That quote's a keeper. +0
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