Anyone watch it?

I'm an avid fan. :)

Finishing watching season 7 right now. :D

SG1 is the stuff!!!!

I love the show! I watch it all the time.

commented: I love your avatar lol +8

not trying to offend or flame anybody, but i don't think it's that good a series... I'd rather watch Enterprise and drool over T'Pol, or a rerun of Star Trek Voyager and again drool over Seven of Nine... :)

*shrugs* I just go to my friends house who has every eppisode of all 3 series q:)

...I sure was disappointed that Sci-Fi got rid of Farscape! :sad: (anyone feel that too?)

Blud, there's 7 seasons. :P

I never watched any other Sci Fi shows besides hercules. :P

I said 3 series, which means enterprise, Voyager, and SG1. not seasons

I never got into SG-1... Saw Stargate the movie and wasn't as impressed with the concept as I thought I would be. I suppose I could get right into it if I saw it from season 1 on however I can't bring myself to buy the box sets for somthing I'm not sure of and I have gotten to the point of having nearly zero tolerence for commercial TV. (too many damn commercials :cheesy: )

That having been said I have spent a great deal of money on the DVD sets of TNG, DS9 and Voyager (which is being released this year) and I fully expect that Enterprise will be another collection once Paramount sees fit to give it the DVD treatment it deserves. Am I crazy for spending that much money on TV shows? I don't know but I do know I've spent many fun hours reviewing the attack at wolf 359 without having to suffer through some damn commercial for a pile of crap car I'll never afford or the latest of a million other assorted pieces of junk I don't care if I ever hear about...

OK, I've ranted enough, now back to our regulaly schedled program...


That having been said I have spent a great deal of money on the DVD sets of TNG, DS9 and Voyager (which is being released this year) and I fully expect that Enterprise will be another collection once Paramount sees fit to give it the DVD treatment it deserves. Am I crazy for spending that much money on TV shows? I don't know but I do know I've spent many fun hours reviewing the attack at wolf 359 without having to suffer through some damn commercial for a pile of crap car I'll never afford or the latest of a million other assorted pieces of junk I don't care if I ever hear about...

OK, I've ranted enough, now back to our regulaly schedled program...


I wonder where I can get a copy of all the 7 seasons of The Voyager series... You have any ideas? coz' I'm really into it.

I wonder where I can get a copy of all the 7 seasons of The Voyager series... You have any ideas? coz' I'm really into it.

Paramount is releasing the series on DVD this year. Most video stores should have the season 1 box availailable that has 6 discs in total. The Second Season is due out in may sometime and it is going to be bigger as it was a full season that started in september. The first season was only 15 eps while season 2 and on were a full 26.. (My numbers may be off a bit, if thats the case I apologize)

Like I said, expensive but worth it not to have to listin to one more bad snack food ad :eek:

I am a faithful fan of SG-1. I watch any of the Star Trek series anytime they are on too. I need to get the boxed sets so I don't have to watch the reruns, hoping to catch them. :{

I have started watching the new Stargate Atlantis. I think some of it is kind of hoky, but all in all, it's a good series.

I didn't like SG-1 as much as the first. It got better. Way better.

Unfortunately, I ditched my cable and can't watch it now.

I am addicted to SG-1 and atlantis, i know everything about the show, i have seen every episode so far a million times over :cheesy:

i love SG-1 Starttrek all of series except deepspace nine, i didnt really like that one, i got into it for a little bit...then i didnt watch it anymore. Though i would have to say im prolly the only person out of all my friends that likes star trek and SG-1.

I love Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis...both are much better than the movie. If you want to get eps install an IRC client and login to a Rizon server. Cruise to #Stargate-Atlantis channel. My favorite place to go, by the way. Also, check out #Atlantis-chat on the same server. New eps are posted for dl Friday nights. I do believe they have every ep of every season of both SG-1 and Atlantis.

My wife thinks I'm mad for liking anything sci-fi, but indeed SG-1 is my favourite show! That along with Farscape. Two genuinely likeable shows.

I remember emailing Centropolis Entertainment before SG-1 first aired in the US asking them about their involvement with it and got an email back allegedly from Dean Devlin (the producer of the original movie) asking me to boycott the show as they were not involved. I guess they were a bit miffed due to the fact that MGM didn't get the involved with the show.



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