I assume many people who are in a technology field consume a lot of caffine. (if this isn't your case, oh well) So what are your favorite caffinated food items. Mostly this would involve beverages or candy.

I assume many people who are in a technology field consume a lot of caffine. (if this isn't your case, oh well) So what are your favorite caffinated food items. Mostly this would involve beverages or candy.

  1. Coffee (black, no sugar, 4-6+ cups per day\night)
  2. Mountain Dew (only in cans-- no bottles, 1-2 per day\night)
  3. Chocolate (never enough)


Mainly Dew.
Occasional Coke/Pepsi.
Never coffee. I cant stand it.

Other tea.
Some more tea.
A couple forms of pop
And occasionally some coffee.

Chocolate is also good, but not for the caffeine...

My breakfast consists of:
1. Chocolate flapjack x 1
2. Tea with sugar x 3
3. Bottle of coke x 1
4. Pro Plus x 4

After that I am able to start work properly :)

I always thought chocolate contained heavy does of Caffeine-- turns out that is being deemed myth :sad:, but...

Let's see....
Sweet Tea
& of course, Mt. Dew

Wow I'm supprised no one said Red Bull.(which is my favorite)For those coffee drinkers try Turkish or Greek coffee. It's a longer process to make a cup but the caffine is worth it. It is also good.

Ohhhh man, did I ever mention that I love caffeine? ;)

1) Mountain Dew
2) Amp
3) Red Bull
4) Rockstar

i drink tea, usually around 8 pots a day (roughly 25 cups)

im kinda a freak when it comes to tea

usually around 8 pots a day (roughly 25 cups)


Do you actually have "tea time" as with biscuits and such? When I was in Holland every time I ordered a coffee they served it on a saucer with a little, windmill-shaped cookie. Very nice. :) You do not see that sort of thing in the States. :sad:


When on a project I drink 6 cups of tea / 10 cups of coffee. Accelerates my thinking process and increases the dependence of something which is frowned upon by my peers... ;)

When on a project I drink 6 cups of tea / 10 cups of coffee. Accelerates my thinking process and increases the dependence of something which is frowned upon by my peers... ;)

Are you saying your peers frown upon the use of stimulants such as caffeine?

I just had 3 cups of tea in the last hour, and that was just to relax. Wasn't caffeinated since I don't want to be up all night, but that's about how fast I go through it when I'm drinking a lot of tea. Probably not as much as other people, but enough to keep me going ;)

tea time is actally what people commonly call your evening meal

but yes usually about 5 (when i get in from college) we all have tea and biscuits

Are you saying your peers frown upon the use of stimulants such as caffeine?

Kind of...yes. :D

Here are some random facts about caffine. An acute overdose of caffeine, usually in excess of 400 milligrams (more than 3-4 cups of brewed coffee), can result in a state of central nervous system overstimulation called caffeine intoxication. Several large studies have shown that caffeine intake is associated with a reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease (PD) in men, but studies in women have been inconclusive. Short term memory is increased. According to one study, caffeine, in the form of coffee, significantly reduces the risk of heart disease in epidemiological studies. Caffeine tolerance develops very quickly, especially among heavy coffee drinkers.(Most of this was copied from Wikipedia go there to learn more)

Someone tell me if I'm wrong but caffine is a short term stimulent. So in most energy drinks you would probably get a sugar rush, caffine rush, the the vitamins would kick in.

Frappacinos --> Starbucks

Cappuccinos--> tim Hortons

Coffee--> Tim Horton's

Coke--> Cocacola

Redbull--> Redbull???? LOL

Someone tell me if I'm wrong but caffine is a short term stimulent. So in most energy drinks you would probably get a sugar rush, caffine rush, the the vitamins would kick in.

I dunno if I'd consider it a short term stimulant--it stays in your body for 6-8 hours, even though the effect wears off.

Oh, and for the record, vitamins don't help boost energy. Rather, they use energy to be broken down.

I dunno if I'd consider it a short term stimulant--it stays in your body for 6-8 hours, even though the effect wears off.

Oh, and for the record, vitamins don't help boost energy. Rather, they use energy to be broken down.

Thanks, that actually makes more sense than what I thought.

I love to drink tea as well.....I like to try out new flavours too....I drink coffee only when I am out of tea...in the soda category, I like cokes, but not too often...lol...

Ice tea straight up and diet coke. I drank a lot of coffee but had to give it up because it was wrecking my nerves.

I'm gonna go with Dew, Amp and Red Bull. I'd maybe drink tea, if I could find some tasty kinds. Isn't it healthy for you, minus the caffeine content?

Any caffeine with something nice 2 eat... than you can count me in.

nothing beats bawls. not many places sell them though. Only places i've ever seen that carry them have been a local gaming center and target.

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