I am bored so here is my post. List your top 5 favorite movies, your pleasure movies, the ones you can watch over and over again. The movies you watch when your drinking or bored. But just 5, keep the list small.

1. Layer Cake
2. Donny Darko
3. Fear and loathing in Los Vegas
4. Fight Club
5. Snatch

1.Interview with the vampire
3.POC2:Dead man's chest
4.Bulletproof Monk

1. The Notebook <3
2. Pearl Harbor
3. Star Wars :o)
4. Lord of the Rings
5. Pirates of the Caribbean (Johnny Depp ;))

:) Ahh, I love movies!

1. The Notebook <3
2. Pearl Harbor
3. Star Wars :o)
4. Lord of the Rings
5. Pirates of the Caribbean (Johnny Depp ;))

:) Ahh, I love movies!

the last 3 were collections, but i would have to agree. And even the notebook i liked (i have been unable to hate a Ryan Gosslen movie since "the Believer") but i could not ever watch Pearl Harbor again, i fell asleep.

-40 year old virgin
-jackass 1
-jackass 2

40 year old virgin had a really wierd ending

X-Men, all of them.
Terminator 2.

2. xXx mmmm....Vin Diesel and 1967 pontiac GTO the perfect combo (The original ones not the lame thing they called a sequel thats story made very little sense)
3. Les miserables(both the musical and the one with the guy from star wars episode 1)
4. Billy Madison (Greatest Adam sandler movie of all time)
5. Goldfinger (need i really explain this one)

but i could not ever watch Pearl Harbor again, i fell asleep.


Yeah pearl harbor sucked. That movie completely missed the point.

I miss you more than Michael Bay missed the mark,
When he made Pearl Harbor.
I miss you more than that movie missed the point,
And that’s an awful lot .
And now, now you've gone away,
And all I'm trying to say,
Is Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you

I need you like Ben Affleck needs acting school,
He was terrible in that film.
I need you like Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part,
He's way better then Ben Affleck.
And now all I can think about is your smile,
And that ty movie too,
Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you

Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?
I guess Pearl Harbor sucked
Just a little bit more than I miss you.

How did the movie miss the point? Do you think it didn't portray Pearl Harbor good enough?

Ben Affleck was good in my opinion.

I mean, they had to have added some kind of plot... otherwise, it would have been a documentary instead of a blockbuster hit.

For the first 3/4 of the movie it pretty much had nothing to do with perl harbor it was just 2 guys and a girl running around humping each other. I know there was a little more to it then that but it did not really have anything to do with pearl harbour itself.

I can see why a girl would like it because its the romance and its sweet and all that crap. But i do not think they really focussed enough on the acctual battle.

The movie was basically the mutant child of Titanic and a war movie where titanic had the dominant genes.

I really think that ben affleck is just a poor actor in general.

commented: You has to work rating movies. +2

> I really think that ben affleck is just a poor actor in general.

C'mon. He's so hot in the red dress, playing DareDevil.

LOL. Better to say I'm being sarcastic. ;)

Lol Daredevil was just shameful in general they just completely messed up that movie.

I have been really racking my brains for one movie that ben affleck was good in and i really can't think of one. the closest i think that he came was i think it was called changing lanes(correct me if im wrong) and even then he was a pretty poor actor in that as well. The black guy in that movie however was a really good actor. Samuel Jackson....mmm.... also in xXx :D

> Lol Daredevil was just shameful in general they just completely messed up that movie.

But it was worth watching just for Electra. Right?.

Not really.

There is still hope for you. :)

Infact i might write to Ben affleck and demand all the time i have wasted on watching his crappy movies and demand it back. and if he is not able to do this for me then i shall demand compensation of the cash kind.

In general I have been very disappointed with all the movies portraying super-heroes, except X-men.
The biggest disappointments for me, has been Hulk and Spiderman.

For the first 3/4 of the movie it pretty much had nothing to do with perl harbor it was just 2 guys and a girl running around humping each other. I know there was a little more to it then that but it did not really have anything to do with pearl harbour itself.

I can see why a girl would like it because its the romance and its sweet and all that crap. But i do not think they really focussed enough on the acctual battle.

I really think that ben affleck is just a poor actor in general.

Like I said, if it didn't have something to bring you into the movie with some kind of plot behind it, then it would just simply be a documentary... and personally, I think those are boring. =p

The movie did portray the actual battles pretty good to me... especially the Doolittle Raid.

You really think Ben Affleck is that bad? - He's cute! :)
No one's really said anything about Josh Hartnett though...

In general I have been very disappointed with all the movies portraying super-heroes, except X-men.
The biggest disappointments for me, has been Hulk and Spiderman.

Definitely agree with Spiderman.

...I had so much hope for the fantastic four...

I haven't watched it yet. Is it not good?

I haven't seen the New coming out. I was talking about the first one, which I don't even want to talk about.

Lol... I haven't watched it.

It's a DRAMA. Worse, a SOAP OPERA.


You take Torch out of the picture, which you can not do, since that would make them the three fantastics, and it doesn't have the same ring.
Anyway, take him out of it and I could go to sleep watching it, without feeling guilty when
I'd wake up.

Wow, that bad huh?

Tisk tisk I don't feel like watching it anymore lol.

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