I have downloaded the 5 images for Fedora Core 5, from fedora.redhat.com. Disks 3 and 4 are too large for a cd, and i do not have a dvd burner. suggestions?

like i said in the other post, those images will fit in a cd becuase cd's are bigger than what they advertise.

I bought a spool of CDs, and their capacity is 750 MB. This images will fit on a disk like this. If yours don't work (the CD burning program complains about lack of space), then buy 2 750 MB CDs.

Try to use nero burning to do it, its required the DVDRW Drive

best regards

I know this might be a little late, but I thought I would reply, just in case. Please take a look at my blog entry on installing Fedora Core "the easy way". If you have a good solid high-speed connection to the internet on the machine that you're trying to install on, this might help you out quite a bit.

make sure that you are burning them as isos too and not as files

This is kinda late, but I haven't had time to respond to this post:

Thank you all for your suggestions, but when I got my new laptop, it came with a DVDRW drive, so I burned FC5 and 6 onto DVDs and installed them on my desktop.

Thanks again
-- linux

why did you bother with both 5 and 6?

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