"This was not intended and was an unfortunate mistake made by a webcast editor." Ya right,tell me another one.......

I wouldn't have lisened to that with or without the lyerics but I agree that AT&T should not have censored out thouse lines. Maybe the webcast editor will get canned or at least disciplined. Don't know if its grounds for a lawsuit or not.

why not?
It's their right to do so, to not distribute lies and content that's inflamatory if they don't want to.

why not?
It's their right to do so, to not distribute lies and content that's inflamatory if they don't want to.

If they wanted to censor it they should not have aired any of it. And what makes you think the cencored contents were lies and inflamatory? If you really believe that then don't watch TV shows such as "Saturday Night Live".

Well we all know that AT&T is in bed with the Govt so this is no surprise....

The Huffington Post? At least make an attempt to find something that doesn't scream lefty.

It's better than Daily Kos (though not by much)...

I wonder how he'd have reacted if a station had aired something that was anti-Kerry without censoring it back in '04...

Entertainers need to do just that, entertain and leave politics out of it. If I go to a concert, movie, or whatever, I go for entertainment, not for a lesson in politics.

Something else may have happened.

We all know how the lyrics of most rock songs are buried under the guitars. This means the censor has to listen for changes from published lyrics.

It may be that the censor, listening for lewd content, detected lyrics that didn't match the
expected lyrics, but was unable to understand the lyrics he heard in time to make a decision without error. Since there is a fine for letting lewd lyrics through, he may have erred on the side of safety for the firm and pushed the button.

I can imagine several lewd phrases the censor could have heard instead of "George Bush" when it is buried under guitar.

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