I edited a post once and now i don't see option to edit it again. Is that a problem with my browser only(mozilla 2.0) or its some feature of DeniWeb. Problem occurred as I added links to my personal blog in my introduction, but later while viewing welcome guide I found this is against rule. Here is the post containing my introduction


1) Yay, our new welcome guide is useful :)

2) You can only edit your post for up to 30 minutes.

Post editing is only available for 30 minutes.

thank you guys...

I wonder why so many sites only allowing editing for 30 minutes....

Is it that big a deal Dani?? (I mean has thier ever really been a problem HERE on daniweb (or your other site) from editing??)

Thats really too bad......

Seems someone always ruins it for others who mean no harm.....

right dude.... anyways... I will try a suggestion in feedback forum....

Why do you need more than 30 minutes to edit your post? It seems to me that 5 minutes should be pleanty of time to correct typing or other errors. But I suppose more than 5 minutes might be needed by people who hunt-and-peck at the keyboard.

Why I need more than 30 minutes:

If you navigate to get a link or an object, when you return, the post text is GONE from the editing box. You must post it, and then edit it after you get the item into the clipboard.

With the torpidity of the Internet, you can get only two or three items before the time limit is reached.

You can always compose your post using some text editor such as Notepad or Word, then copy/paste into a DaniWeb post after you have finished.

If I am getting you the right way, I don't think thats the case with many of us MIdi, and soon you too will be out of this trouble, as if u want to navigate to other objects, just do it before posting, (is there any difficulties in that?... u can save ur post at ur computer also)

But I still want editing allowed after 30 mins, may be not always but in some cases. Like in threads like Introduction etc.
eg. your interest might changes after sometime, or you just learned something you want people to know, or you want to correct something (as it was the case with me, mods did that for me, but not exactly in the way I wanted, and now I don't want to give them trouble again) so.... I guess, if its not very difficult to allow editing some posts forever, while keeping the 30 mins rule with all other posts, it should be done.

I guess, if its not very difficult to allow editing some posts forever, while keeping the 30 mins rule with all other posts, it should be done.

I think, that needs a lot of work and also not a good idea !

Why do you need more than 30 minutes to edit your post? It seems to me that 5 minutes should be pleanty of time to correct typing or other errors. But I suppose more than 5 minutes might be needed by people who hunt-and-peck at the keyboard.

There's a button called "Preview Post" which should generally be used for this.

Why I need more than 30 minutes:

If you navigate to get a link or an object, when you return, the post text is GONE from the editing box. You must post it, and then edit it after you get the item into the clipboard.

With the torpidity of the Internet, you can get only two or three items before the time limit is reached.

I don't think this is a very good reason to allow long term editing privileges. You should generally compose your message before you post it.

I think it's a bummer that you can't edit posts because I used to get abused when I posted a reply to some ones question instead of editing it into my previous post on the game maker forums so I've got a habit of making as few knew posts as possible.

How do I compose the post before I post it? If I leave the page to go get something to insert in the post, when I get back, the posting window is empty. Everything I had already put in the window is GONE!

So I can't include more than one link or object in the post, because the clipboard can hold only one thing at a time.

Tabs? Why wouldn't that work?

Tabs? Why wouldn't that work?

Modern browsers allow you to have more than one page open at a time. Try Firefox.

(They have push-button phones now too. No more turning that little dial! Nifty!)

commented: I think this should be part of your rep :P +4

Why I need more than 30 minutes:

If you navigate to get a link or an object, when you return, the post text is GONE from the editing box. You must post it, and then edit it after you get the item into the clipboard.

With the torpidity of the Internet, you can get only two or three items before the time limit is reached.

You can always compose your post using some text editor such as Notepad or Word, then copy/paste into a DaniWeb post after you have finished.

or if you are using a current browser (last 6 years) and a multitasking system (Windows, MacOs, Linux, Unix, etc), before posting open another browser window or tab to find your links. Paste them into your unposted message and you don't need to worry about torpidity.

I am using Windows XP and Firefox 2.

I'm getting stuff not only from websites, but also from files on my hard drive. I AM using tabs, and also Windows Explorer. But when I return to the window with the post, the ad plays again. The ad often takes me to the top of the page, and when I scroll down again, the text is gone.

Could this be a cache problem?

I am using Windows XP and Firefox 2.

I'm getting stuff not only from websites, but also from files on my hard drive. I AM using tabs, and also Windows Explorer. But when I return to the window with the post, the ad plays again. The ad often takes me to the top of the page, and when I scroll down again, the text is gone.

Could this be a cache problem?

Become a DaniWeb donator and you can get rid of those annoying ads.

Become a DaniWeb donator and you can get rid of those annoying ads.

I don't think that's very mature post Mr. Ancient Dragon.

@ Midi...
I don't think thats a cache problem, as in my office I can't clean cache by myself, but I never faced a problem like yours. Wait for a response from someone who might know exact cause of your problem.

I don't think that's very mature post Mr. Ancient Dragon.

What so immature about that? Just pointing out that if you donate to DaniWeb (see the DONATE thread at the top of the pags) you can get rid of the advertisements.

Question is why content vanish when Midi goes back to the page where she/he writes a post. And you know its not due to advertisements.
Your point is valid, but you pointed it out in reply of a question which was about some problem either in Midi's browser or in our website.

Upgrade to Firefox3 for starters.

<<and don't forget to use NoScript and AdBlock+ - shhh>>

i think its enough to edit with in 20 mins any big deals also

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