Imagine I want to see all code snippet on delphi only... I can't!

From web development I can jump to delphi FORUMS, not to delphi SNIPPETS, and in the "Revamped code snippets" page, I can't filter on a languaje... Isn't it the most basic feature on a code repository mixing several languajes?

The only way I managed to get this is a pain: Go to code snippet, browse some pages until a delphi one comes, then click on the "DELPHI" title and there you are.

I suggest those 3 changes:

1) In the "Software development" page ( it should be 2 links for each languaje: Forum, Code snippets.

2) Jumping to "Revamped code sniped" should give you a easy way to filter one languaje only.

3) Once in the delphi -any languaje- forum, a link to the delphi code snippets (along or replacing the general "Revamped code snippets").

..or may be I am missing some option, in witch case, it should be a lot more visible than it is... I couldn't find it ;-)

..or may be I am missing some option, in witch case, it should be a lot more visible than it is... I couldn't find it ;-)

I can go to the Delphi forum, then under the Related Forum Features box on the right there is a direct link to all Delphi snippets.

Ops! didn't see it, and i promise i really was looking -actively- for it!

Thanxs forp the info Tom!

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