When I try to reply to a thread I get asked to login. I do this and then instead of the message box coming up, the login page keeps coming up. Why is this happening? Anyone else having this issue?

I am using Firefox 3.5.

jephthah commented: i had that issue too, but figured something was wrong on my end. good job bringing it to everyone's attention. +0

Most probably your browser is not set to accept cookies from Daniweb which is the mechanism used for session tracking. This might be because of the Firefox add-on you use or a firewall running on your computer.

Okay don't think its firefox, IE is doing the same thing. Tried on Laptop and that does the same IE + Firefox.

How could a firewall cause the problem? both computers are using the same firewall.

> How could a firewall cause the problem? both computers are using the
> same firewall.

Probably a configuration issue. You might want to try turning off the firewall for a couple of minutes and then see if you can observe the same behavior.

> How could a firewall cause the problem? both computers are using the
> same firewall.

Probably a configuration issue. You might want to try turning off the firewall for a couple of minutes and then see if you can observe the same behavior.

Not tried disabling firewall yet.

On my uni network it does exactly the same IE or Firefox.

What I am trying to do is view a post whilst not logged in then clicking on reply to post, it used to work why has it stopped recently.

What I am trying to do is view a post whilst not logged in then clicking on reply to post, it used to work why has it stopped recently.

Yep. There is a bug. This is what I did.
I logged out, came back to this thread and tried to 'reply with quote'. It asked me to log in.
Url : http://www.daniweb.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1048814 which said,

You're trying to access something for members only! Please register or login to continue ...

Fair enough. Then, when I tried to log in, I got this url ( http://www.daniweb.com/forums/login.php?do=login ), which redirected me back to http://www.daniweb.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1048814 , asking me to log in again.
The Go back button, as well as, Click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you. will take me back to the same url: http://www.daniweb.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1048814 .
Tested in IE7, FF 3.5.5 and my computer is a cookie monster :P Seems like there is some problem with the session.

commented: Nice work +0
commented: check out the big brain on Brad! ;) +0

Hmm...this is a problem indeed. I've found that checking the 'Remember Me' checkbox fixes the problem, at least on my side.

For some reason, the bbsessionhash cookie is set only if the 'Remember Me' check box is checked; you might want to look into this.

. You might want to try turning off the firewall for a couple of minutes and then see if you can observe the same behavior

don't do it.

it's a trap.

commented: The cake is a lie.. +0
commented: shhhhhh... quit scaring them off. +0
commented: I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing! :P +0

Whats happening is YOUR COOKIE IS EXPIRING for no activity,checking REMEMBER ME keeps the cookie 'LIVE' provided you dont "clear cookies"...

Is it possible for you Dani to have "REMEMBER ME" activated even though it deosnt show when ya click "Member login"?? (This would prevent members from having thier cookies expire for "no activity" while they read a thread)

You can also make the session time unlimited,that would solve the issue also as the cookie would not EXPIRE unless they 'log out' :)

Member Avatar for diafol

I thought it was just my setup. Did the same to me as well - real pain on my Blackberry. As mentioned, the 'remember me' sorts it.

Ya im sure if Dani gets a chance she will re-enable REMEMBER ME for all logins...... (Since it doesnt show it will have to be enabled for all (Easiest way to do it))

Vbulletin made a big mistake when 3.5 came out,they used to have REMEMBER ME checked by default and for some reason they had bright ideas to uncheck it.. Well this started causing all kinds of cookie issues (Which we are seeing here now)

Just reminding you, this problem still exists. Looks like the changes made to this site haven't changed being redirected to the login page when clicking 'post reply to this thread'.

Dani! You still haven't fixed this one.

Let me make sure I understand the problem. You are not logged in and you are hitting the "Post Reply to this Thread" button without first entering a message. Right?

This is one of the case.

1. You get a mail saying you got a PM from a member. You click on the link in the mail, which is something like this.
If you are on a public computer and if you haven't saved a cookie, it will ask you to log in. When you enter your username and password, username and password is processed, http://www.daniweb.com/forums/login.php?do=login . You get a message, which says,

Thank you for logging in, nav33n.

Click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you.

This redirects you back to http://www.daniweb.com/forums/private.php?utm_source=vBMail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NewPM . Clicking on Click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you. doesn't log me in either.

2. The same thing happens when somebody replies to a thread you have subscribed to. You get a mail. You click on the link to open the thread. Like this for example.
http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1237554.html#post1237554 . Here too,
* If you type a reply and click on "Post reply to this thread", it will ask me to register [not log in]. url: http://www.daniweb.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&t=238667
* If you just click on "Post reply to this thread" without entering anything, it will ask me to login. url: http://www.daniweb.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&t=238667

if(!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) {
    if(!empty(quickeditor)) {
    } else {

I didn't try registering again. But login screen doesn't log me in, but redirects me back to the same url.

So, I am guessing, the session isn't being set properly or it's getting lost somewhere [or maybe there is a problem setting the cookie].

Yes, 2 [1 and 2] major issues have been fixed. However,

* If you type a reply and click on "Post reply to this thread", it will ask me to register [not log in]

still asks me to register instead of login. Good job Dani! Yay!:)


This problem still seems to be happening...
It can be quite annoying when you've written a bit.

Just letting you know.

Yes, I know it's still an outstanding bug that if you are not logged in, and you attempt to use quick reply, it is a smooth process ot register, but not to log in if you are already a member.

Yes, I know it's still an outstanding bug that if you are not logged in, and you attempt to use quick reply, it is a smooth process ot register, but not to log in if you are already a member.

This bug has now been resolved. If you are not logged in, and you attempt to use quick reply, you will now have the option of either registering OR logging in to complete the post submission process.

Hmm... not to sure i tried posting logged out. The login page works but all that happened was a button came up to revise and post and the screen went blank when clicked. Am I supposed to click this button?

This is the address after clicking the button: http://www.daniweb.com/forums/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=152816

Never mind seems to have worked second time round.

Hmm ... odd it didn't work for you the first time. Let me know if you can reproduce that. Might be a bug.

Member Avatar for diafol

<off-piste> what's with all the neg reps?? </off-piste>

See his 24 Nov 2009 post -- with -2 rep. TheDude also got bad reped twice in this thread. Don't know if those are new or old reps.

That's not rep. That's just an anonymous post downvote. Rep doesn't count in the Community Center.

This bug has now been resolved. If you are not logged in, and you attempt to use quick reply, you will now have the option of either registering OR logging in to complete the post submission process.

Thats how it is on another VBB site im on also :)

Member Avatar for diafol

> That's not rep. That's just an anonymous post downvote. Rep doesn't count in the Community Center.

Consider that hair well and truly split. :)

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