...take me to the newest replies since I last visited this thread gone, where oh where can it be... *

Prapble, really prapble (purple), oh well, I guess she thinks "it's pretty, all nice and shiney and new..." (ref kayle firefly)

BTW: Mr. Wonka called and he wants his umpa lumpa's back :)

Okay, so here I am looking how to get to the latest posts in a thread, and I have to GoTo Pg.1 and then click on the last page link. Not very conducive to being able to read only the latest...

:) *Yeah I know, a whole lot more than "little dog" but I really don't want to click on a link that only takes me to the first page

Two more thinggs,, when the textbox window is partially behind the bottom footer, you can see the cursor blink through it but as I type right know, I cannot see what I am typing. Yeah I know, this only takes a simple little scroll, but why should I have to alter my posting habbits? (also, if there are any misspellings in this get used to it because I cannot see what I am typing...)

The other thing... How about a color scheme options page so if we want to view something not so "pretty", we have the option, and if your are really creative, as I have read a dozen posts in this forum (except for all of the one with 116 posts in it...), we could change the title size also...

Just some thoughts...

Good Luck

Also, when those shiney "New" buttons are displayed to show that there has been activity since my last visit, how can we tell if we have replied to this thread before?

Where are the post numbers so one can easily reference a previous post within the thread???

Where are the post numbers so one can easily reference a previous post within the thread???

Easy, click the "Permalink" see this feature makes more sense. I didn't realise the post number was a link for about 6 months, but people can easily know that permalink means exactly that.

But when referencing someone to a previous post... a "permalink" is not intuitive...

and if one cannot fix the take me to the latest post in the thread, why must I wait for the entire page to load, hit end just so I can get to the next page link. Put it at the top also...

Easy, click the "Permalink" see this feature makes more sense. I didn't realise the post number was a link for about 6 months, but people can easily know that permalink means exactly that.

When I first came to daniweb, all information that I cared about (like everything vb5 has mentioned in this thread) was easy to access and easy to see. I've had more questions about how the layout works in the last few days than I had in the last 2 years on the old layout. Again, this may just be because Dani is busy fixing things still.. but as vb5 said, the permalink thing is counter-intuitive and more difficult than simply looking at a post number which is attached to the post.

One more thing, the " Quote originally posted by Paul Thompson ... " seems awkward for some reason. Maybe nobody else thinks so, but I think it should be changed to "Originally posted by Paul Thompson ... "

If it was originally posted by someone, then it is obviously a quote, so the above statement is redundant.

commented: wow, havent seen my name in a post that much ever :P +0

Dani is, indeed, busy fixing things and tweaking others, so bear with us for bit while it all gets sorted.

Well, currently I am happy with the go to newest post button but I think it should go to the left of the title... (yeah a nitpick but most other forums have that location identified for such a purpose..). Next up is the how to ID which threads a person has posted in as I see the link at the top to take a person to newest thread also (but I meant the page navigation but the link will more than suffice)

Edit: Ok, a couple of other nitpicks... I see the number of posts, but what of solved and kudos recieved?

Good Luck Dani!

I Dig the new appearance. But there used to be a tiny pencil icon that made it quite obvious that you had posted in a thread before. I relied on that icon for years. Not that its gone. I'm frustrated.

Other than that. Its a welcome change.

Threads that you have posted in have a "bulls eye" look that mimics the User Online icon in your posts. (Click on Threads I've Posted In in the bottom menubar to see what it looks like.)

> Well, currently I am happy with the go to newest post button but I think it should go to the left of the title
I feel like it's more appropriate to sit next to the time of the last post in the thread, since it is an indication that new posts have been made since your last time there.

Hey everyone, I am gone for a couple weeks on a mother's day vacation and I come back to this... WOW, I guess Dani stuck to the purple stage all girls go through. She probably went through it in her teenage years, as did I, hence the purple frenzy :D; BUT I LIKE IT... I know the guys might not agree, my husband sure doesn't. He thinks it now looks too much like other forums and it has lost some of the uniqueness that it had.

I do have a suggestion though, and I hope others second me on it; how about incorporating a multi-quote button. I sometimes want to respond to more than one person and it is difficult to do. So, I think that those of us who are here to learn and help others would benefit from the multi-quote button. I don't know about everyone else, but I sure will.

>I feel like it's more appropriate to sit next to the time of the last post in the thread, since it is an indication that new posts have been made since your last time there.

See your old site, see your sister site, see anyone of the other sites in the top pinned thread in the VB4/5/6 forum. You will see that the NEW indicator is prior to the thread title to let the user know with a quick glance that there has been new posts and so the user does not have to search the page/line to see if there has been any new posts. It is in the psychology/biology/physics of the way we read... (You will notice one difference in that list and that would be tek-tips that uses a bold title line to indicate new posts)

>Threads that you have posted in have a "bulls eye" look that mimics the User Online icon in your posts. (Click on Threads I've Posted In in the bottom menubar to see what it looks like.)

Yes, I saw the bullseye previously, but only after I viewed the thread when it had a NEW icon, of which, that is what I though would be the link to take you to the newest post (and here I was waiting for the mouse cursor to change into a hand to indicate a link and no amount of clicking on that graphic did me any good...). But I digress, yes, saw it previously only after viewing thread, but when there were new posts, there was a "New" button with no indicator. Now I see a reversal/negative image of the previous bullseye image that showed up once viewed (I still think that those graphics should be the link to take you to new posts...).

EDIT: OK NEVERMIND! I see that change was incorporated prior to this posting so I am now going to mark this thread as solved as I also see the rep and solved popup... So I think that is/was all of my concerns... Cool :)

Okay, changed my mind on the solved part as there is one last thing I forgot about... and that is the "Permalink" vs the Post # being displayed as the Permalink is not so intuitive when you need to point a poster to a previous link... However, I also thought that the permalink would only take you to a specific reply but it takes you to the page that the reply is on (see vbforums for example)

Permalink is a permanent link to the specific post (not just the page, but it jumps down to the specific post) regardless of whether the post has been merged with another thread, was a thread hijack and was split off from a different thread, etc.

The post count # was removed because I don't want people referencing things like "Check out post number 5" because moderators see deleted posts, and posts can be split/merged, etc. so a post that is #5 today might not always be #5. Especially if individual posts in a thread get deleted.

To be fair, I'm a bloke and I'm quite liking the purple. It goes well with certain greens and looks elegant and tidy.

Doesn't mean it's girly. Thats just imature and some people need to grow up...

The post count # was removed because I don't want people referencing things like "Check out post number 5" because moderators see deleted posts, and posts can be split/merged, etc. so a post that is #5 today might not always be #5. Especially if individual posts in a thread get deleted.

Maybe I misunderstand the permalink thing, but the idea is that if I put the link that the permalink shows into my post, then when someone clicks on it, they will know what post I'm referencing? But without clicking it, the person has no way of knowing what post is being referenced?

If so, I don't like that solution because the entire point was that saying "look at post 5" was easy for the person saying it and for the person looking at it to decide whether they wanted to go back and look or not (or to ignore it if the comment wasn't directed at them).

Ok, so now instead of saying See Post #5 we can say See Post #post1221433.

And where did the Quote link go??? I'm using IE8 and don't see any way to quote someone. I know there's got to be a way to do it, but whatever it is it's sure obscure now. How do you expect new members to do it if old farts like me can't.

Ok so, this is a test guys. I completely get what Dani was saying in this post, and she has a point, but there is no denying that my point in my previous post was totally sweet. Anyway, I understand the trade-off being done here, but I think it ultimately is going to lead to people saying things like "In XXX's second post in this thread" rather than having the effect Dani wants.

Ok, so now instead of saying See Post #5 we can say See Post #post1221433.

And where did the Quote link go??? I'm using IE8 and don't see any way to quote someone.

But how does that help me find the post? I don't know how to find post 1221433. Maybe I'm dumb and there is something totally intuitive about this system, but it seems like the only way to use it is to search through the posts, highlighting the "permalink" button on each one, until I find 1221433. Oh, btw, I actually just tried to do that, but 1221433 is a long number, and I forgot the number almost as soon as I started looking for the post.

>>But how does that help me find the post? I don't know how to find post 1221433
Exactly. I should have use the [sarcastic] tags. If the post number is not allowed for the reasons Dani mentioned then quotes should also not be allowed because they will have the same identical problems.

Sorry. Normally I would have noticed your sarcasm, but my entire mind is filled with frustration right now, so I can't process any other emotions or thoughts.

Click on Post Reply to reply to someone with a quote.

There is no "Post Reply" button. Do you mean "Post Reply to this Thread" button that's below the quick edit box?

[eddit]Oh! guess I must be blind. :)

It's right under a person's name+pic

It's right under a person's name+pic

Yea, I discovered that after making that silly post.

I see now that threads you have posted in have a bullseye and are inversed when they are new. But when I first stumbled upon a thread that I had started. It didn't have that icon. It just had a purple circle with the word "new" in it. Although now it is acting as it should. So my gripe is gone. Great job!

On the note of "see post #5" in this thread, I have already referenced a previous post in another thread with something like...

username, please see otherusersname's post above my previous post, which is above your post...

Now if that ain't confusing enough...

>Permalink is a permanent link to the specific post (not just the page, but it jumps down to the specific post) regardless of whether the post has been merged with another thread, was a thread hijack and was split off from a different thread, etc.

>The post count # was removed because I don't want people referencing things like "Check out post number 5" because moderators see deleted posts, and posts can be split/merged, etc. so a post that is #5 today might not always be #5. Especially if individual posts in a thread get deleted

Which makes no sense... A permalink to a deleted post or a see post #5 equals the same thing... A reference to nowhere...

The simplest answer for both sides of the arguement is to make the post number a link that contains the same information as the "Permalink"

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