Right now, I'm pushing my boss to update our company policies regarding HTML output and code standards. I have a custom validation tool built into my web browser (Google Chrome), and very few areas in DaniWeb get flagged for validation errors. Being as the drive for standards differs from company to company, I'd just like to say I'm proud to be part of a site that does at least pass validation for a majority of the site.

Unfortunately, our companies product cause more validation errors than my validator can handle...

Markup generator tools (MS Frontpage) and technologies like JSF are the prime contenders when it comes to emitting atrocious markup. Another possibility might be developer stringing together markup elements in an ad-hoc manner when developing dynamic web pages.

In any case, I'm don't think you can convince them to redo the site (or at least the design) just because your validator can't handle the errors; cost justification etc. :-)

Sanjay, don't you mean that you don't think you CAN convince them to redo the site just b/c of validator errors? I know many sites don't pay attention to validator errors. Google, for example, purposefully doesn't validate just to save themselves as many bytes as possible for the quickest download possible. For example, they will do width=5 instead of width="5" just to save themselves two quote characters.

Oh, you are right indeed, a typo there, and a fatal one! :)

We have a different scenario in our office though. We do have control over what gets output, and right now we're trying to make our web application compatible with IE 9. I'm simply trying to add a push for more standards based code. Right now our application is a hodge podge of hurry up and fix it patches. If we don't do something now to prepare for the future, we won't have a future.

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