Member Avatar for diafol

If new DW is being rolled out shortly, perhaps I'm too late.

I've found the auto parse urls to be a massive pain. The editor can either be basic or standard (can it be set to Advanced Editor??), meaning that if I want to display a url as text I have to click to the Advanced editor, but by the time I look at the post again in the editor box, URLS have already been BBCoded automatically. So then I have to go an manually take them off, uncheck the 'parse urls' and then save again. Urgh!

Worse still is that if I then edit the post, I go to the blasted standard editor again, which parses the blasted urls!!

Is there a field maybe where a post could have a 0/1/2 or something to store the last editor used and maybe the settings for that post?

Just a thought.

By auto parse do you mean turn a URL into a clickable link?

Starting off in the new system there will be only one editor, and we're moving from BBCode to Markdown for formatting purposes. I doubt that's going to change this close to release, so I feel comfortable stating it publicly. ;)

As far as things are in dev right now, there's no auto parsing of URLs in the final post. You would need to use a proper Markdown format to make the link clickable:

This will be parsed:
This will not be parsed: [noparse] [/noparse]

In the current system, you can just wrap your URLS in noparse tags: [noparse] [/noparse]. The only down side to that is there's no convenient button for noparse tags, they must be typed manually. But it's much better than the rigmarole you've been going through with switching vBulletin editors.

commented: noparse - no brainer! +0
Member Avatar for diafol

I didn't know about the - is that uppercase or lowercase/ Thanks - wish I knew that a bit earlier![noparse] - is that uppercase or lowercase/ Thanks - wish I knew that a bit earlier!

AFAIK, BBCode is accepted in either upper or lower case.

Quick question for ya ...

What is the reason that you would want URLs to not be parsed?

Member Avatar for diafol

Quick question for ya ...
What is the reason that you would want URLs to not be parsed?

Sometimes when I discuss rewrites or paths - as it may not be 'code' it's just left in the open. I suppose I could cover it with ICODE - but I still need to go to the advanced editor for that or insert 'I' into the CODE tag, so no-parsing [NOPARSE] [/NOPARSE] may be just as easy.

In the new DaniWeb version, inline code will have a button from all editors, and (with the Markdown language we will be using) can be added with backticks. For example `this is inline code` in the new version.

commented: Yay for backticks! +0
Member Avatar for diafol

In the new DaniWeb version, inline code will have a button from all editors, and (with the Markdown language we will be using) can be added with backticks. For example `this is inline code` in the new version.

sounds great. Will have to look up markdown... may come in handy

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