Could you possibly change the chat notification to something a little more eye-catching? I've been on daniweb several times today and never noticed that someone had posted a message the evening before. Changing the text color from white to dull orange just isn't doing it. How about changing the background color for Chat from purple to red?

We do more than just change the color. There's a little javascript popup animation each time you click on a page as well. It's a delicate balance between making it noticable enough for those who want to notice it, and not obnoxius for those (like Davey) who choose to not use our live chat feature, despite frequently receiving messages in their shoutbox that they just want to ignore.

Changing the color to red or some bright color like that goes against everything I have ever learned about UI design :)

It would probably help if the headings on the web page were persistant and didn't scroll off the screen when you scroll down the web page. At least this way the notification would always be visible.

It would probably help if the headings on the web page were persistant and didn't scroll off the screen when you scroll down the web page. At least this way the notification would always be visible.

This is true with all but phone and tablet devices.

Actually on my win7 desktop using firefox it happens too

Are you using a relatively low screen resolution?

1280 X 720. I've noticed it at higher resolutions too.

The problem is the 720px vertical resolution.

But it also happens on 1280 X 1024

That the bottom toolbar does not remain static?

the bottom bar is fine just the very top of the top bar scrolls up. The logo and the search bar scroll to the top and stay.

Right, they are supposed to :)

So the header with links and information that people need is supposed to scroll off the screen?


There's a thread somewhere about this, but what it boils down to is that it's against Google's terms of service to have Google AdSense ads have the potential to be covered up by dropdown menus, so we couldn't keep our navigation static as you scroll.

Once again I missed a chat. At 16:27 I noticed Chat (1) at the bottom of the screen. When I checked the shoutbox I saw that Learner10 had posted more then three hours earlier. Could it at least be an option in the profile to enable a popup if a Chat post is made when the shoutbox is closed? If not a popup then something more obvious than Chat (1)? I know it goes against "everything you learned about UI design" but I am reminded of an episode of The Simpsons where Bart pretends to fall down a well (using a walkie-talkie). In the end, Willy "fixes" the problem by putting up a small sign saying "caution well" 100 feet from the well. A notification that does not catch the eye is of no use to anyone and that goes against everything I ever learned about notifications.

here's a little javascript popup animation each time you click on a page as well.

If there is then I certainily haven't seen it.

If not a popup then something more obvious than Chat (1)?

Are you not seeing the little animation popup each time you click on a page that says 'New Chat Message'?

No. What exactlyshould I be seeing and where?

Sorry, I just saw this now. I'm not sure why you didn't see the animation popup, but there is a more in-your-face notification now that should help.

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