Last couple of days I've been having problems with daniweb.

posting does not appear to occur, then turns up hours later, and latest is I cannot reach page 6 of this thread, it just sends me to page 1.

GGhrome Version 34.0.1847.131 m
Win 7 32

(edit) actually I have this in chrome "Nearly up-to-date! Relaunch Google Chrome to finish updating."

I cannot right now but will test that withing a couple of hours.

I also can't get to page 6 of that thread.
Win 7x64 - IE 11, any firefox based browser or via direct download.
Wireshark capture shows:

HTTP  GET /community-center/geeks-lounge/threads/458329/things-i-hate-about-tv-shows/6 HTTP/1.1    
HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n ~snip 
HTTP GET /community-center/geeks-lounge/threads/458329/things-i-hate-about-tv-shows HTTP/1.1

Not a thread I care because I don't watch tv, but clicked it. It doesn't allow me to go on page 6. I even went page by page. Once I get to page 5 and click to go to 6, I'm back on page one.

I have the same browser as Suzie and mine is updated. Also same OS.

As for posting, I noticed it yesterday when I got four repeated replies on the same thread that I had to ask for deletion.

I'm able to reproduce this as a non-administrator/moderator. Let me investigate and I'll get back to ya.

Aside from that one page, what other issues are you having?

Some counters got out of sync. I manually ran the script to recalculate everything and the last page of the article is working now. However, I don't know what could be causing the other problems you're experiencing :(

As for posting, I noticed it yesterday when I got four repeated replies on the same thread that I had to ask for deletion.

On my side, I'd say this is quite annoying. I never know if the reply went through.

I'm not sure why that was :( Perhaps some server sluggishness?

I don't know. Inicially I was thinking it was my connection. I'm using a dongle, so connection tends to drop from lack of signal. But then Suzie mentioned the same thing.

May have been server as you say, some posts never materialized then another did hours later three of the same post, but I did attemp 3 or so times.

Obviously it seems fine now because this thread I had no issues.

Now that you mention it, server issues could be what caused the database to get out of sync in the first place.

Well thanks for resolving the issue so promptly.

I have flagged my duplicate posts

Duplicates now deleted

New member of daniweb.So i am not so experienced on it. Hope everyone will help me if i face any problem.

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