Time once again to ask that question: What could I be doing better?

More specifically, I'm looking to answer the following:

  • Is the UI clear and concise? Is it easy to get around? Is there too much clutter? Are all the features you need/use/want easily accessible?
  • What features do you use on other sites? What other sites / forums do you frequent?

Hi Dani,
Yesterday I noticed in chat, that alert for new message beeps even when there is no reply and when I switch tabs it beeps, makes me feel like there is new message.

Yes, it's currently a known "bug" that it beeps when you switch tabs. I have bug in quotes because it is considered low priority to fix. (The reason being that the code says to beep everytime messages are sent to the browser, and when you launch the chat room the first time or switch tabs, messages are sent to the browser ... in the form of existing chat history.) It should only beep upon a new message or switching tabs. Does it beep any other times?

I think it would be good to promote more intra-community mixing. I mean that there are lots of long-time and/or active members that are confined to only a few specific forums, and don't tend to explore much. They either get the false impression that Daniweb is like the other stricter forums that bash on people who contribute to discussion subjects that aren't their fort. Or they think that they are not interested in other discussions (e.g., like discussions of more social or "meta" in nature), when they might be if they knew more about them.

I'm not sure how to realize such a feature. But it's definitely an aspect that Daniweb be could improved on.

"Meta" in nature? Oh, you're not subtle at all, Mike.

Hello :)
Well, The User Interface is okay with me and till now I found it easy to access to all resourse of yours, :) but it would be better if there were an options of using Emotion Icons to express things in your massage or chat field.

"Meta" in nature?

"Meta" means to go beyond and/or be self-referential.. Any thread on Daniweb that is about Daniweb is "meta", i.e., like a meta-forum is a forum about forums. Like a meta-study is a study of studies. Like a meta-program is a program that makes a program. This thread is "meta" in nature, because it discusses the workings of the Daniweb site, with a Daniweb thread.

Oh, you're not subtle at all, Mike.

I'm not subtle... for those who understand English. ;)

Member Avatar for diafol

1) Mobile version (Android at least) has no indicator about have I responded to these threads? Have they received more posts since I last looked?

2) I've mentioned the UI before - rectabgles/squares and rounded edges and round avatars (sometimes). Coloured buttons. Rectangular tabs - seems like a disconnect. Mish mash of old style and the cosier new style. Needs a more cohesive style.

3) Possibly an opt out system for the social media block - this takes a looong time to load.

4) Ability to do a search on 'my posts' - sometimes I know I've mentioned something before, but when I search a forum, I just get pants. The ability to search my posts for inane ramblings would be very useful (for me). Yes I've seen the links at the bottom.

Pants? I think if I restricted a search to only my posts I'd get mostly rants :)

commented: heh heh +0

it would be better if there were an options of using Emotion Icons to express things in your massage or chat field

Initially, there were no emoticons on the forums simply because getting the Markdown parser to work was a tough job and I didn't want to make my life any more complicated, so it got back-burnered. However, as time went on, I realized that no one really missed it, so that's why it's stayed away.

I'm not subtle... for those who understand English. ;)

Umm ... yeah :-P

Mobile version (Android at least) has no indicator about have I responded to these threads? Have they received more posts since I last looked?

Mobile mode doesn't, but tablet mode does. In mobile mode, there's a link at the bottom of every page to toggle into tablet mode.

I've mentioned the UI before - rectabgles/squares and rounded edges and round avatars (sometimes).

What can I say, I like it ;) Show me something better and I'll consider it.

Possibly an opt out system for the social media block - this takes a looong time to load.

I hear ya on that ... I'm in the process of switching over to using the APIs to create our own native widgets that aren't so javascript heavy full of tracking pixels.

Ability to do a search on 'my posts'

I'll look into it, but this probably won't be implemented until some other stuff takes priority (such as native versions of the social media widgets, for example).

Okay and thanks for your explanation :D

Member Avatar for Warrens80

everything see,s to work with my iPad.. although sometimes when I push submit my page refreshes but my post wasn't submitted but I think that's a problem on my side.

Member Avatar for diafol

What can I say, I like it ;)

heh heh, how did I know you were going to say that?

I'm a big fan of the mobile view, as I nearly always get article updates by email, go to look at them on my phone and it doesn't work. Especially as things like IPS4 are developing their efforts in responsive design, it's an ever-increasing feature that is only going to become more popular.

Show me something better and I'll consider it.

Maybe we should just open it out properly to anyone who can provide an image concept by the end of January and any good ones get taken on? Maybe even make it into a competition-style event.

commented: that sounds dandy +0

Think there may be something wrong in the search feature.

As an example, I search for the word "cold" select C++ forum, and discussion threads. and all that is returned are member profiles.

Member Avatar for diafol

With sos/Suzie:


I'm still looking into this because I'm totally not able to replicate it.

We use a Google Javascript snippet to perform the search. Is it possible that you are using an ad blocker or something that would disable the Google javascript from loading?

In case it helps, it has somehow magically started working. Since the results are loaded using Javascript, one possibility might be the server not returning back the results (in time at least) using the API call which gives us the impression that search is not working...

I dunno, it's near instantaneous on my end and I would have to assume that Google's CDNs are among the most responsive out there.

It's working for me now. I do not have a great connection so perhaps that was the issue the other day.

But as an aside, why does it return users to begin with? Maybe searching for users could be an option in the dropdown.

Member Avatar for diafol

Working for me not too. Wondering about the time thing. Previously, I did the search, hunted around for the snip tool in Windows, opened it and took a picky of the search result page. Saved the image, wrote a few words, uplodaded image and saved the post. Then went to close the browser tab - saw that the content had not changed in all that time. Mysterious.

But as an aside, why does it return users to begin with?

For the sake of consolidation and simplicity :)

Member Avatar for diafol

Perhaps this is a stupid suggestion, but am running on fumes at the moment, heh heh. Sometimes I see the 'old heads' responding to a thread in the thread list and I decide - nice one guys, I don't need to bother - not always, but occasionally. However, it's sometimes the case that I'll respond and maybe offer a half-arsed idea, but say something like "any other ideas?". I'm just wondering if senior members here see another senior member's name as the last response on a thread list and just move on.

If this is the case, then a this may prevent the OP from getting a decent answer. I realise that we can look for solved status, but with some forum threads only staying on the front page for a day, it may be out of sight, out of mind.

Any thoughts?

I lurk a lot more than I post, and for me, seeing a familiar name as the last poster just leads to curiosity and wanting to read what they had to say. This is especially true if it's a discussion I'm following, and I am waiting for a specific person to reply.

Member Avatar for diafol

Fair one. Just my "lurk time" seems to be pretty limited.

Fair one right back at ya. My fulltime job is to lurk here.

I'd like to be able to choose the page from it's parent index.

Right now, I have to go into the discussion and then navigate to the page I want (usually the last if I've read it earlier) and then select the page.

I just wanted to say that I think I am hooked to DaniWeb ... I literally have a tab opened all the time and usually reading through most of the things going on, just hope that we'll stay strong and go on!

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