I kinda wish you could toggle a live preview for the editor. It shouldn't be shown all the time (might be bad for large posts), but when it's shown it would automatically update the preview. I've seen this on other sites and I really like it. It helps me check my markdown/formatting as I type. It could be a checkbox within the preview like:

[x] Live mode

Member Avatar for diafol

I thought you could. The green tick on the editor shows the preview. Clicking on the preview gets rid of it.

The preview isn't live though. It used to be, and we got sooooooo many complaints that it was slowing down people's computers, and their browsers were becoming unresponsive, etc. We eventually were forced to ditch it.

Fair enough. Put that idea on the back burner until it can be done smoothly.

I can't really think of anything I would improve right now. Every once in a while I will think of something but then I forget about it later (which means it probably wasn't important to begin with). When it comes down to it, I like Daniweb the way it is.

I'd like to be able to choose the page from it's parent index.

We actually used to have this feature, but I got rid of it because it was cluttering up the listing page. Do you really find it valuable? How often do you memorize which specific page in the middle of a thread you want to go back and re-read?

I don't know how difficult this would be to implement but it is related to SEARCH. What do you think of the idea of having a FILTER feature? As opposed to SEARCH which is driven by Google, FILTER would be a per-forum feature where a user could restrict the displayed threads (perhaps) to only those threads posted by a given user or perhaps thread titles containing a given word or phrase. Rather than returning links to threads (like SEARCH does), FILTER would display the results in the same format as threads in the current forum except it would display only matching threads.

It would be nice if we can have server side js e.g. node.js, google polymer and jquery.mobile sections. I honestly believe that node must be treated as a server side scripting like PHP.

I had forgotten about accessing all my threads through my profile page. I suppose the filter feature is pretty much redundant then. Thanks for the reminder.

We actually used to have this feature, but I got rid of it because it was cluttering up the listing page. Do you really find it valuable? How often do you memorize which specific page in the middle of a thread you want to go back and re-read?

I'd find it convenient, I'm not sure I'd say valuable. To answer your question, not really often just sometimes.

I was seeing a small dropdown box in my head, nothing that I thought would clog up the index page.

Time for a dumb question...

A while back in this thread I asked about searching and Dani posted

And I can filter out threads by keyword here:

How do I do a search for a tag without having to type the URL manually. I was searching for all articles tagged with ardunio and I had to type

Is there a link on the page that takes me to a Tag Search page? Just entering arduino and clicking Search gives me different results and I don't see Tag as an option in Search.

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