What happened to the PM functionality? I wanted to send a PM to rproffitt but the only messaging thingy I could find was the single line send message when I went to his profile. One line is certainly not suitable for composing even something as short as a tweet.

While I am on the subject, why do I have five pages in my active conversations and how can I mass-delete them? Certainly reams of automatically generated messages shouldn't qualify as active conversations.

Try it now and for the next hour. I'll be sure to have a web browser open to DW.

A few minutes ago I had five messages in my inbox. I deleted them. Now I have 17 pages. What is going on?

If I delete (archive) my inbox when I go to the Inbox it opens the all my conversations which is pages long.

This is as much fun as the three shells in Demolition Man.

the only messaging thingy I could find was the single line send message when I went to his profile. One line is certainly not suitable for composing even something as short as a tweet.

I will change it to accomidate a full editor area.

While I am on the subject, why do I have five pages in my active conversations and how can I mass-delete them?

It is not possible to completely delete ... only archive. However, the "Message Inbox" tab should be the only tab you need to concern yourself with for new incoming messages.

If I delete (archive) my inbox when I go to the Inbox it opens the all my conversations which is pages long.

What is wrong with this? If there are no new messages, it defaults to showing an archive of old messages, as opposed to giving you an error message saying nothing new exists. You can still choose to only concern yourself with the Message Inbox tab, so it's not like you need to start going through your archive. It's there just in case you need it, and will be searchable in the future.

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I posted about the archive before. I was meticulous in deleting all my messages in previous DW. Now they've been reanimated. I have no love for them. I will have to shoot them in the head again?

I have 16 pages. 16 pages of active conversations. What criteria decide whether a conversation is active or not? How is this different to All my conversations? I want them all gone. Dead. They're hanging around like a bad smell. Urgh.

Going to somebody's profile in order to send a msg is a bit drawn out too. Just more clickety clicks. I think this calls for more userscripts.

What is wrong with this? If there are no new messages, it defaults to showing an archive of old messages, as opposed to giving you an error message saying nothing new exists.

Agreed. The problem with this is that when you click on your Message Inbox or Active Conversations and there are no messages, it redirects to the archive, instead of stating "nothing here". It's counter intuitive.

I have different results here: under the All my conversations tab I have only the messages of the last two months, starting from the switch. All previous messages never showed.

If there are no new messages, it defaults to showing an archive of old messages, as opposed to giving you an error message saying nothing new exists.

So in order to effectively "empty" my inbox I have to leave one old message in it. I agree with pritaeas. It's counter intuitive.

I have 16 pages. 16 pages of active conversations. What criteria decide whether a conversation is active or not? How is this different to All my conversations?

Active conversations are those that are not archived. Archived conversations are all conversations you've ever engaged in.

Going to somebody's profile in order to send a msg is a bit drawn out too.

Yes, I will fix this and there will be a page to message someone just like there used to be.

Some new Dazah functionality will be fixing all these issues, and make the Inbox easier to manage, but currently I have to write the Dazah stuff first. ;)

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