Hi everyone - I used to be a computer science major in college ~20 years ago, but pivoted into IT Audit when the dotcom bubble burst. I've been doing that ever since (mostly for tech startup/tech type companies), and while the career has been good I can't help but think we are at the beginning of a foundational shift in how work is done because of all the recent advancements in AI. So, I've joined here to step outside of my comfort zone as I try to think through how I can upskill myself to be able to learn, work with, and leverage AI tech before I'm replaced by someone else who understands that emerging world better. I thought a community like this could be potentially be a good sounding board and place for guidance, as I assume the disruption caused by AI are being felt by many of you as well.

In my circles, it's been very positive. It's been great to see advances in this field. For years I didn't think I'd see this any time soon and then boom!

You'll likely to find those that embrace and those that complain that it's not always correct. Heck, people aren't always correct either.

Hi Paul and welcome to DaniWeb! I think rproffitt is referring to me, because I've been a vocal "hater" of AI when it comes to its programming skills. I think it's fine if you ask it to code something in which sample code already exists somewhere on the web, but, AI, of course, does not have the mind to create or be innovative or think outside the box, as it were.

I think AI is great when it comes to categorizing, organizing, performing repetitive tasks, performing "monkey see-monkey do" tasks, adhering to a complex series of heuristics, etc.

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