I know little about linux but I need to install Cenotos 5.1 on VMWare Workstation. VMWare has a number different options as to which distro you want installed on it. But it does not have Centos. I am not sure which one to choose. They do have a few "Other Linux 2.2.x kernel", "Other Linux 2.4.x kernel", Other Linux 2.6.x kernel" etc etc. Plus they have a few of the more common distros, redhat, ubuntu etc. Can anyone suggest what I should use? Thanks

2.6 kernel should work, if it has the 2.6 kernel. CentOS is closest to Redhat/Fedora, so you can go with that too.

2.6 kernel should work, if it has the 2.6 kernel. CentOS is closest to Redhat/Fedora, so you can go with that too.

Thanks, I tried redhat and that seems to be working.

yeah, centos is actually birtually identicalto redhat. Its just a free recompile - support

You prove my point yet again, jbennet. That's simply ridiculous.

um, no i explained the relationship

stop it with the personal attacks man

I'm not personally attacking you. It's just amazing. You have 11,000 posts that are all the same post as above and adding a few words that the op didn't even want.

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