
I want some guidance about ftp uploading software. I m using "Core FTP Lite". But I m unable to connect to my site. It requires 2 basic things:

1- Host/IP/URL

I am giving ftp add,username n pw but still the problem exists.

Reply soon.
Kind Regards,

You can try to connect through Internet Explorer. Go to ftp://yourdomainname.com (or .net or .org...) A login screen will appear.

It is always a good idea to post the error message you receive.

Also you could read the FAQ of the hosting that you're using because :
- you may be using wrong ftp address
- wrong ftpuser: your ftp username may look like an email (cPnael managed hostings)
- hosting's firewall may be in place
- your ISP provider could stop you for some reason

It is always a good idea to post the error message you receive.

Also you could read the FAQ of the hosting that you're using because :
- you may be using wrong ftp address
- wrong ftpuser: your ftp username may look like an email (cPnael managed hostings)
- hosting's firewall may be in place
- your ISP provider could stop you for some reason

thanks for ur reply. The problem is resolved as I ws giving wrong ftp address.

You can try to connect through Internet Explorer. Go to ftp://yourdomainname.com (or .net or .org...) A login screen will appear.

Thanks for ur guidance

i use core ftp.
no problem.
or there is another one
cuteftp.it is also good

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