I am building a website for a real estate. As a designer I started doing the design in Photoshop, I am about to convert it in HTML but before I begin doing that I would like to know some things as this is my major concern.

How to make a filterable search function that will display the results on a frame / div of the same page. Displaying the picture, and basic some info.

Search an item by location, property name and property type.

Display each item properly on their respective categories menu.

I know it can be done with existing open source ecommerce templates, but it's too hard for me to learn all of that just for what i need. Also it's a little hard to integrate a custom design on the frontend.

Any help will be appreciated, guides, how to's, samples/template or codes will greatly help.

Thanks a lot!

You're asking for a simple way to do something potentially very difficult. The search functions you need would require a database and programming well beyond HTML.

If you haven't already discovered a solution for this, I would suggest you just hire a programmer.

Maybe you'll be lucky enough to find someone who's written something similar and all you'll need to do is input the data for your specific site.

What I need is a search function much like the Property Finder in this Website.

The database has been set-up using MySql.

I admit it's difficult, but maybe not for someone who is well-versed in this subject. And I am not, that's why I am asking for someone who can at least give me a hint on what to do so I can do it myself (with my basic knowledge and willingness to learn) without hiring a programmer. Or if no one is willing to help, I'll just try my luck as you have said.

Hmm... I am actually lazy to reply to this, forgive me if I seem rude - but you don't sound like you are really "willing" to do this, seem more like you just want someone to say "Here, Ctrl+c this and then Ctrl+v it here - It will work! :)"

Like ChicagoData said: You're asking for a simple way to do something potentially very difficult.

Either you google around to find a similar tutorial to what you need and pick up a book or four on PHP and MySQL (your deadline probably does not accommodate time for this, anyway).

Therefore you should really consider hiring a programmer to help you out. You are better of with less than 80% off what you were going to make from your current client who may refer you 3++ more clients who may want "the same website" as the other client - you bought and now have learned how to reuse the code - provided you negotiated to keep copyrights of course, than to loose your client completely.

You are probably more of an entrepreneur than you may be a web developer, so start thinking like one.

Thanks for the reply Tlhokomelo's,

Yes I've googled this before posting. Right now, I'm working on it using a php tutorial.

No, I am not an entrepreneur, I'm a designer sir. A boss's requirement for his other business.

Thank you guys anyway.


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