I am new to this new group and like begin with a question that bothering me for a long time.

Some people call them as a scientist even though they were engineers.

Who is scientist?

Who is Engineers?

Little bit definition will be helpful

Scientists normally have Ph.D. in one of the fields of science, such as math, physics, chemstry, biology, etc.

Laws exist in all U.S. states, Canada and in South Africa which limit the use of several engineer titles, particularly the title of "Professional Engineer," and often also titles indicating a specific, regulated branch of engineering, such as "civil engineer" or "mechanical engineer." Most U.S. states prohibit unlicensed persons from calling themselves an "engineer" or indicating branches or specialities not covered by the licensing acts. The IEEE's formal position on this is as follows:

Almost all people in the IT fields in USA who call themselves "Engineers" are lyers -- they must have an IEEE license as mentioned in the above quote.

Also this quote

Scientists versus Engineers
Engineers and scientists are often confused in the minds of the general public, with the former being closer to applied science. While scientists explore nature in order to discover general principles, engineers apply established principles drawn from mathematics and science in order to develop economical solutions to technical problems.[9][10] In short, scientists study things whereas engineers build things. However, there are plenty of instances where significant accomplishments are made in both fields by the same individual. Scientists often perform engineering tasks in designing experimental equipment and building prototypes, and some engineers do first-rate scientific research. Mechanical, electrical, chemical and aerospace engineers are often at the forefront of scientific investigation of new phenomena and materials. Peter Debye received a degree in electrical engineering and a doctorate in physics before eventually winning a Nobel Prize in chemistry. Similarly, Paul Dirac, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, began his academic career as an electrical engineer before proceeding to mathematics and later theoretical physics. Claude Shannon, a theoretical engineer, founded modern information theory.

Thank you, you it's a very good definition.

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