I was wondering is there an seo program I had a guy email me wanting to do seo work for me
how is that done? Do they use a program? What exactly is done to make your website #1 on the search engines?

Depends on what kind of SEO works they do. It could be optimizing your content, building links on link exchange sites, submitting of articles and press release, etc. They could have some tools to do things more efficiently, but all those stuffs can be done manually too.

How do you do it ?

How do you do it ?

It's a straight forward, but time-consuming process, and you can find out all you need to know here:
Start with the FAQ and articles, then the forum.

Thank you

There are many SEO Softwares too.. such as IBP, webceo and seoelite. Which are the main there.. There are many others..

But SEO done right is best done urself..
basics in importance relevance..

1). Content is king
2). keeping the content on theme (spread of keywords to give the over all content -keyword weight).
3). Backlinks - Now backlinks can be considered interlinks aswell.. you have to make sure pages from ur own site link to other relavent pages on ur site...
4). Backlinks
5). Backlinks..

cause after all said and done backlinks r king just remember to use keyword related backlinks to your site..

If your site is about selling widgets. Anchor text would be "Buy widgets". "Widgets for sale" etc .. rather than see my site "here"..

- good luck

I was wondering is there an seo program I had a guy email me wanting to do seo work for me
how is that done? Do they use a program? What exactly is done to make your website #1 on the search engines?

There are SEO tools, like Google's webmaster's, around that you can use for the sole purpose of achieving that desired PR. But then it would pay off if they are done manually. Anyway, there are some strategies that can only be applied that way.

I was wondering is there an seo program I had a guy email me wanting to do seo work for me
how is that done? Do they use a program? What exactly is done to make your website #1 on the search engines?

There is no shortcut or tool to use if you want an organic traffic or you want your site to have a good serp position. The only thing to do is to build more links on your site.

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is a vast subject, in short with SEO is a way you can optimize your site that could make your site in search results as top page as possible when anyone search that particular keyword(s) in the search engine like Google. This is very essential for business website's to drive free organic traffic using keywords.

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