Recently a number of us had problems browsing using urls; the only way we could get to a site was using IP addresses.

Download and install Avast Antivirus (Free) run it and install Microsoft Service Pack 3

That eliminated the problem here.

Please, for those of you who have resolves for issues, BE SPECIFIC and don't take it for granted that everyone out there is as smart as you. Sometimes a small detail can save others many hours of confusion.

Hope this helps some of you. Have a great Thanksgiving and God Bless your lives.


Its a DNS resolution error of some kind. Dont know why avast and sp3 would help...

Avast found viruses and sp3 replaced damaged files affected by the viruses is my best guess. It worked and I can breath again. Thanks for the input ... nice site by the way!


ah right, a trojan was probably messing with something called your HOSTS file.

Also if you get damaged files in future, the command sfc /scannow can help

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