Hello to all. I am new to this site and have some questions. I am hoping somebody can steer me in some direction.

So I have a BA in an unrelated field and am completely burnt out in my field. I have always been electronically inclined, from installing car stereos as a kid to taking apart my computers/laptops just to know how to do it. If it can be taken apart, I will most likely disassemble it and troubleshoot it. I used to find broken pc's and build new ones out of the spare parts to give to people who could afford pc's.

So anyway, I am really contemplating a career change. I guess I am really unsure of what to do with this knowledge I have. I guess I don't have a lot of knowledge of computer programs aside from what I have figured out on my own with my computer problems of the past. I feel like my knowedge is scattered at best but I really think this is the direction I would like to go from here.

So essentially I am asking all of you what the best way to get into this field, however broad of a question that may be. I am not oblivious to the fact that computers are not going anywhere and there will always be a need for them to be fixed in whatever capacity. In all the years of owning a pc ( too many to tell), I have never had to ask somebody to fix it for me, I just research until I figure it out.

I realize I am a novice and am grateful for any responses I may receive. Thanks so much!

If you want to do something new try building the software instead of the hardware. Computer service techs don't have the most romantic job and the pays not great either. I like the graphic side of computers rather than number crunching but sitting on the front of the computer is more comfortable than the back for a lot of people

It is true that both the hardware and the software leap frog ahead at a fairly giddy pace. Itis also true that repairs to both are increasingly vbeing taken over by the machnes themselves! (see win7 diagnostics for example). I also agree with Jerrys view on software but the real software is the human kind. I have for many years acted in a semi professional way both in repairs where necessary (to my limit) and in software configuring But ALWAYS and specifically in helping clients themselves to learn and understand the machines they are using. That is my prime objective ie working with people (and in many cases a bit like a driving instructior) It is challenging, will always be needed and training can bring big rewards if you manage to get onto top level industrial work. I preferred being my own boss and enjoyed the human contact!
Yes there are many training videos but people like being able to talk to real people!

Good luck

Well you can do both... but if you getting tired of repairing stuff... you can try to be a programmer.... well it's not really that hard... as long as you like to read... and requires hardwork of course... the fact that you do well on repairing it's just show that you can do good on software too. coz. the fact repairing involves complex problem solving and logic... computer programming has lot of these... they have common elements... so just give a try... well never know... you will find passion on programming instead... 1 thing i can say about programming is it's complicated but fun! hehe.

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts. I guess I will do some further research on the direction. I think I agree with mjodd about workingwith people. I am now a psychology major and guess that would come in handy when working with frantic people who don't know what to do about a registry error....lol

Dear Sir/ Madam

I am Nitya amarendra. I am a B Com graduate( completed in 1997) and also have done my basics in computers called Career Edge at NIIT( 4 months course and completed in 2004). I got a job at IBM as a data processor and had for the company for 2 years (2004-2006). I had to quit the job for personal reasons and i also haven't collected my relieving letter. I wanted to get back to IBM. So to prove my loyalty to the company i joined a software training center which is an IBM business partner and invested 80,000 on a course called AIX which is similar to LINUX. People there at the center where hopeless and was trained by an undertrained trainer. The higher authorities there also had assured me a placement and now they are backing out. Please advise what could be done or what is the way to enter the technical field with basic computer knowledge. Thanks.

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