I need a script that can scan an AutoCAD model to identify all blocks that have been place on the model at explict X,Y,Z coordinate values. I then need the script to create a table on the drawing illustrating each block and its respective X,Y,Z coordinate value.
Any idea how to do this?
I am not a programmer, but I need the work done.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Do you even know if AutoCAD can be scripted?

I know you said you're not a programmer, but I'd start looking for an AutoCAD API or library reference. Now might be as good a time as ever to begin hashing this stuff out.

AutoCAD can be scripted using VBScript.
I've seen it done but never done it myself, I guess there are books dedicated to the system (and probably a lot of documentation included with the product).

did you ever get this issue resolved ?

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