I am self taught in PHP, css, html, and currently learning javaScript. I am unable to go to school due to financial reasons. I am in the US. I was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to find an opportunity to get into the field professionally with no schooling, no degree. Maybe just pay for cert's or something? I am very very passionate about wanting to do this for a living. Any advise or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I don't want to sound like the bearer of bad news, but I doubt it if any company will appoint you without the necessary credentials.

What you can do, is to phone as many it companies out there and apply as a learning student. Don't give up on the first few "NO's", someone will eventually say "YES!":)

appreciate your response. So I should ask them if they would be willing to take me on as an entry level trainee? Is that what your saying? And do you think the certs could help? and do you know of any other cert's I could get? the only ones I know of are the W3C ones and the zend PHP cert. I could also put together a portfolio.
Thank you very much for your advise.

Hello fuston05, AndreRet is correct and in my point of view, it would be better for you to opt for a certified course that is known as MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer) which is only for the Microsoft products like .Net.

With this certificate you can get the jobs more easily.Hope that helps.

do not worry. programmer - it is his knowledge, not a diploma))

thanks for the advise. Is it as easy to find guides and tutorials etc... for the ASP as it is for PHP? Because I would prob have to learn it on my own. Still can't get any financial aid for schooling.

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