
I have the domain www.lewisharper.co.uk registered but when I try to access it I get redirected to SNIP

I have no idea why this happens but I presume I've been hijacked somehow?

How can I fix this?
I've already contacted my hosting provider.


Your dns entries looks fine http://whois.domaintools.com/lewisharper.co.uk. Check your files for any changes, specially any unknown JavaScript that could provide them with injection and way to redirect. Most likely affected would be index.html/php or files directly associated with it

Hi, the content of the files is unchanged. I have no JavaScript whatsoever in the Website.


I did google the domain I was being redirected to and it showed another website which had been affected overnight too

What sort of application/blog you use on your site?

What sort of application/blog you use on your site?


It was just a website I created from scratch using PHP/HTML with a MySQL database, I made it for a University project.

It's working again now though, no more redirects. I have no idea who fixed it still.


Well I just checked and redirect is still there...

As for your site, there must be something on it that you either user insecure SQL queries or somebody was able to tamper with any other way. You should look on your database entries if there been any new or some changes and also check your files in any case if somebody got access to your server and was able to tamper with it


I just received a reply from my web hosts and they said the redirect is an issue on their server which they are working to resolve.


Was going to respond, I use Qiq as a host (assume same for you) and have the same issue. They seem to have fixed it during the day and now it's gone back to the same problem.

You guys may consider move to different provider then as it seems that it was their system machines they been screwed and if they reported solved and now back in same redirect state, it mean only that their security is flaky and their stuff doesn't learn from previous mistakes.

Just my 2 pence

Ironically I moved from another host because of issues. This is the first time in a couple of years anything has happened at all with them. If there's still a problem tomorrow, I think I will cancel and move. Any recommendations?

You can always buy VPS and set it way you like it, so if there is something wrong only the person likely to be blamed will be you. As for provider I cannot advice since I'm into Java hosting unlike you guys on PHP

Was going to respond, I use Qiq as a host (assume same for you) and have the same issue. They seem to have fixed it during the day and now it's gone back to the same problem.

Sorry I missed your post. Yes I am with QIQ and I think they solved this issue now.

£0.12 for 2 years was a good deal for my hosting needs :)

Sorry I missed your post. Yes I am with QIQ and I think they solved this issue now.

£0.12 for 2 years was a good deal for my hosting needs :)

Yes they seemed to solve it around 7PM last night I think. If I have anything more critical I think I will use another host anyway. I guess you get what you pay for.

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