I have worked with alot of web technologies, having alot of experience in CSS,HTML,PHP,MYSQL, and recently picking up javascript.

I am interested in learning a non web-programming language, and was wondering which would be best to pick up? I'm leaning toward Java because I was asked to go into an honors java course next year at school, but what would be easiest to transition into. :D

If you learn Java now, you'll be bored during the Java course.

Learn Scheme. It's a simple language, and is very powerful (in terms of writing useful programs quickly). You'll have a different perspective on things that will make you consider Java and other object oriented languages to be languages of the peons.

Truth be told, I submit that he/she'd be bored period with the Java class, simply because they probably can glean how to do things, if they have picked up PHP or Javascript.

PHP isn't just a web programming language, you know. If I were you, I'd stick with what you're learning already, and just wait for your Java class to start.

I would learn C++ to get used to an oops language. Java is simple lame version of C++ anyway!

I would learn C++ to get used to an oops language. Java is simple lame version of C++ anyway!

And C++ is a lame version of C. :rolleyes:

Why make comparisions when they have different purposes.

I have over the past 20 years that I've been programming (half of that professionally) learned and used something like 20 programming languages (not counting languages I can read but not write).

There's no reason to restrict yourself to a single language, in fact it's counterproductive.
Learn different languages, and different kinds of languages. Keeps you sharp and teaches you different ways to tackle problems, as well as giving you the tools to attack different kinds of problems each in the best way possible.

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