Quick Question.

Is it plagiarism to use code from a youtube video tutorial??

I used some of the code but not all of it. Will I still need to cite that video?

Thanks to all!! :)

depends on the extend. If the project/assignment is small you should reference it. However if you have some large piece and used something like quick sort, then it is not worth mentioning

is there any youtube "tutorial" that has anything of any value in it? Wouldn't think so...

is there any youtube "tutorial" that has anything of any value in it? Wouldn't think so...

Surprisingly enough, Yes. I am doing a GPS based project for my final year in college and it had some very useful code in it. Overall there is about 100 lines in it that solved the problem I was having.

Would it be plagiarism if the code were in a tutorial written in HTML?

Why do you think a video would be any different?

It's as if there are people walking around without any sense of morality...

Oii do not be so taught on guy. Beside stuff like this where you are establishing connection with something is more or less same for any code...

Would it be plagiarism if the code were in a tutorial written in HTML?

Why do you think a video would be any different?

It's as if there are people walking around without any sense of morality...

Bit harsh!!

I'm just asking so I don't rob anyone else code. I have morality FOR ASKING!!

Would it be plagiarism if the code were in a tutorial written in HTML?

Why do you think a video would be any different?

It's as if there are people walking around without any sense of morality...

"it's on the internet so it's mine" is the prevailing attitude among way too many people...
Exemplified by a usenet post I read years ago on a security list asking for cracks to a system to create key generators for commercial software.
Idiot wanted to pirate anti-piracy tools to protect his own product against piracy.

But this guy at least bothers to ask to make sure :)

Overall there is about 100 lines in it that solved the problem I was having.

Thats quite a bit of code to fix one problem for a college project (speaking from experience) but as long as you make no attempt to pass another person's code off as your own and you reference it you'll be fine (and possibly get permission).

How ever if it's as much as 100 lines of code there might be some way to shorten the code so much so that its shorter and faster (not just change variable names or take out an if statement or two) than the orignal after all it's what the code acheives that your after not the code segment you need they are just showing how to use different aspects of a language.

I graduated uni in the last 9 month so i looked at examples and tutorials of code to understand how the different aspects of C# could be used and applied them to my project in a way that meant the end result was the same (e.g. exporting/ importing from XML doc using C#) but my code didnt resemble that of the example other than the obvious built in things like XmlWrite etc . . .

;)Programmer usually have big hearts, so don't worry if you used anyone code because those are on web for us.

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