hi i am tejesh
and i want to know how to make e mail marketing more effective?

Your best bet might be to find someone who already has a system that you can use. If you are promoting an affilaite program, for example, you might ask other affiliates of the same program for some help. There are great marketing tools you can use that others will gladly share. Personally I use a complete marketing system created by marketing experts. Your question is HUGE and difficult to reply to! Take your time and learn, otherwise you can quickly spend a lot of money without getting any results. Cheers!


Yes your question is very broad please narrow it down for us, what are you trying to achieve with e-mail marketing?
what are your goals? etc


Some other thoughts:
You need a good autoresponder that can handle multiple campaigns, you need to test different subject lines and lessages to see which ones pull the best results, you need QUALITY leads, you have to capture leads through targeted marketing.


hi i am tejesh
and i want to know how to make e mail marketing more effective?

Great! ya really very good question,i am also have that same doubt.
normally some of the sites are explained about the Email Marketing.

But the problem is how can we belive him? anybody kindly give idea to find a true persons(sites)......

thanks in advance


It is true that you can't believe everything you read. However, as you learn about email marketing, you will make your own decisions about how effective it can be, and how to make it effective. Joining a system that already generates results is a good starting place. If it is working for someone else, they WILL likely share their knowledge, because it will help them in the long run. I use a free marketign system and it works-I know so because I use it with results, and I started using it because of others using the same techniques. I didn't try to invent something new, I found a system that others are using and sharing and followed along!



It is true that you can't believe everything you read. However, as you learn about email marketing, you will make your own decisions about how effective it can be, and how to make it effective. Joining a system that already generates results is a good starting place. If it is working for someone else, they WILL likely share their knowledge, because it will help them in the long run. I use a free marketign system and it works-I know so because I use it with results, and I started using it because of others using the same techniques. I didn't try to invent something new, I found a system that others are using and sharing and followed along!


Hi Paul,

Thank you for ur quick replay.I need the url of the free marketing :cool: .

Well another way for a effective email marketing campain is making your existing customers reoccuring purchasers. I compile a list for customers that i have recieved and email them quaterly with updates that have been made with the website and industry news. Also i include website specials in the email.

What's the best website to get 'quality' email leads anyway?

Well another way for a effective email marketing campain is making your existing customers reoccuring purchasers. I compile a list for customers that i have recieved and email them quaterly with updates that have been made with the website and industry news. Also i include website specials in the email.

Yes! You're absolutely right. Most big businesses do exactly that, they rely on their current customer base to make their profits, again and again and again. A happy customer is much more likely to buy again from the same business than a new potential customer is. Once the consumer trusts the product or service and the people behind it, there is a great chance that they will become a life long customer. Most major companies know this, and that is why they are constantly trying to keep in touch with their customers...because they are the ones most likely to buy from them.

When you build trust and name recognition, you build success!


I think e-mail permission marketing might be more effective, it is the way where members choose to receive your information online that can builds relationships and your email can be carefully evaluated for making decisions.

I think these days if you just collect e-mails and start mailing ppl is being considered as spam ? and 90% of the chances are that all those e-mails will be delivered straight in the bulk mail.

You are right, that is the reason I mentioned there to go on for e-mail permission marketing, you can take their permission in advance for recieving email which has useful information and hence it can not be considered as spam.

The e-marketing is a very big subject in itself. What I can tell you is 1. Have a clear objective and purpose of the marketing 2. Have a spam free email list 3. Use integrated software for handling your e-mail campaign 4. Try campaign with different subject line and format of e-mail 5. Keep track of analytics of your campaign I hope this will give you direction to move in. With regards, Mandar Thosar

Check Seth Godin blog about Permission email marketing system, its worth to read.

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