I'm developing an online advice site and want my clients to read documents (word, excel, dfp etc) then if happy with what they see and read to actually sign the documents via an online visable electronic signature.

The only one that seems to do the job is Docusign but they seems very expensive as they want to charge on a per page basis!! Some of my documents can be very long and the signature only needs to be at the end.

Does anyone know of any other alternatives?????

I'm developing an online advice site and want my clients to read documents (word, excel, dfp etc) then if happy with what they see and read to actually sign the documents via an online visable electronic signature.

The only one that seems to do the job is Docusign but they seems very expensive as they want to charge on a per page basis!! Some of my documents can be very long and the signature only needs to be at the end.

Does anyone know of any other alternatives?????

Must it be online? Faxing or mailing seems much simpler.
I assume that the documents in question will be a legally binding (the signature requirement seems to indicate such). If so, you would need the hard copy signatures anyway.

No not necessarily, elecronic is ok.

Whilst this post is quite old, it came up worryingly high when I was googling signing agreements online! Thought I would share my findings in case anyone else stumbles across this thread too…

Looks like quite a few companies have started offering this service from what I have seen. If you are a big corp Echosign seems to be the most established SNIP however I have opted for Signaturesense SNIP as much more straightforward and affordable for a small business like mine. Really simple and intuitive…definitely won’t be going back to paper and snail mail.


I trawled a few sites, echosign.com and rightsignature.com were ok and better for bigger companies, everyone seemed quite expensive for a relatively simple task for what i wanted, so I ended up with docshaker.com who seemed to be the best value.

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