Hi Dani. Mods... go ahead and mark this private as it is criticism. I can't login with my original account... for whatever reason.

I'm on my iPhone and I have an image showing to tell me to hit alt+s to start a new discussion? Been using iOS for years. Never seen an alt key.... (you know the browser info is sent with requests, right?)

I also love how software development has been lumped together. Last time I looked, years ago, you had it as tags. Might be the same way today. It took a lot of clicking around to find the forum even existed.

If you listen to users... or better yet.. use your own product... you will find the shortcomings.

I invested a lot of time answering questions here but you managed to blow it all away.

Short of including daniweb in the search criteria it doesn't even pop for long search criteria.

You have good content.... and this little box giving little real estate to screen space is the reason I'm writing sentences separated by CRLF.

And this alt+s on an iPhone cracks me up. Screenshotted for the memory books

Hi Scott,

I received your email. For everyone else, Scott is actually Sknake, who was active on DaniWeb back in 2009/2010.

I'm on my iPhone and I have an image showing to tell me to hit alt+s to start a new discussion?

Valid point. I didn't think of this, so I'll go ahead and fix it shortly.

I also love how software development has been lumped together. Last time I looked, years ago, you had it as tags.

Yes, it's still broken up into tags. You can currently retrieve the most popular tags for the forum by clicking in the search box and waiting for the dropdown, which isn't very intuitive at all. Moderators have access to a listing of all tags, but it was too resource intensive to make public. I'll have to figure out a way to do that, so thank you for that feedback as well. Because, you're right, there's not an easy way to get to just PHP anymore, short of typing it into the search box.

If you listen to users... or better yet.. use your own product... you will find the shortcomings.

I do listen to users ... I just listened to you, and I'm going to implement your suggestions right away! And I do use DaniWeb myself, but as I'm the one who designed it in the first place, it's often hard to see my own shortcomings, so I rely on feedback as well as just studying user behavior to see where I might be going wrong.

You have good content.... and this little box giving little real estate to screen space is the reason I'm writing sentences separated by CRLF.

Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean? Little box giving little real estate to screen space?? I'm misunderstanding what you feel is wrong with the message textbox?

I invested a lot of time answering questions here but you managed to blow it all away.

All of the time you spent is much appreciated and all your content still lives on. Yes, Google hates all forums and discussion communities nowadays in favor of Stack Overflow and Q&A sites that are much more highly curated. But ... I wouldn't consider that me not appreciating all of the effort that you spent being a part of our community back then.

I can't login with my original account... for whatever reason.

I'll message you about this privately.

I've added links to the most popular tags in each forum on the forum listing pages. I also added a tag cloud to the homepage sidebar. Hopefully this should make it a bit easier to drill down quickly to our most popular tags.

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