Is there a way to prevent access to hard drives through firefox after you have hidden them. i went through "regedit" from the "run" command and also used "1st Security Agent" program to hide my hard drives, i have got it to the point where you can not access my c: through "IE" and the "Run" command but you can still get to my c: by typing "c:" in the address bar in firefox. is there a way to prevent this?

P.S. is there any other way to access my c: , and if so how do i prevent that also?


I may be able to help better if I knew why you were trying to achieve this. I've looked through the configuration files for Firefox and I do not see an option to prevent it from accessing your hard drive.

i am an engineer and i have co-workers that keep getting into my "document and settings" and messing things up, most important is my autocad program and my design programs (that is where these programs store support files and custm. settings). everytime i am gone someone gets on my work station and messes with it. they think i can not tell if they have been on it, but they do not know that i can track every move they make. the reason i can not lock my computer is the 3 guys above me in the whole comp. (Pres., VP,IT Eng.) says that we must keep everything open with no passwords and admin. privileges, but if they can not find it then they can not screw it up. they may be other reasons for them getting in there also, but the worst part about the whole thing is that i am above a lot of people and they all say it was not them, but it keeps happening. so i want to fix it where i am still not using passwords but i can prevent some one from messing things up.

1st i went into the reg. and hide the hard drives that i wanted then i used a program(that i said above) and fixed it on IE. how i fixed it was i prevented IE from allowing file url's but it allows internet url's, but i can not find out how to do this for firefox.

thanks for helping

Hello Steel_man,

If it was me, I would probably put all inportant information on a seperate hard drive partition. This would then allow you to hide the partition with all inportant info, and still keep the C drive (the main drive with everything on it unhidden)

Secondly, I think it's worth mentioning to your superiors that someone, and you don't know who, has been messing with your computer and its settings, evidenced by etc.... This has 2 purposes: 1) their view on 'computer freedom' might change a bit, and 2) you might not be to blame if something negative randomly appears on youre computer (ie something that could get you in trouble inside the company)



Well it seems to me that the problem is not neccessarily the need to prevent firefox from accessing file url's. More like a problem of others accessing your computer. This is why security settings, passwords, and profiles are so very important a feature of operating systems. If you set up your os to require passwords to sign on, and turn on encryption for user folders, and do not divulge your password, they can log into the computer as themselves but not you and will not be able to change your settings, preferences, or adjust your important data files. Most companies that I have worked for or have dealt with have this set up and it is made mandatory by policy just to prevent what you are describing from happening. If your environment is so loosely controlled as to allow what you are describing to happen, then Stein's suggestion of a protected partition or file store is a must have. There are even programs out there to create secured file stores within the existing partitions. To answer the question in regards to Firefox, I would post that question to's support area on their website. As I said, I did not see a configuration option to do what you want to do. That, however, does not mean there is not one. And if there truly is not one, then by posing the question to them, perhaps someone will create an addon/plugin to give that ability, or it will be included in a future patch/release.

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