okay, I've had this on my mind for a while, is modding an xbox illegal?
and if it is, is softmodding and xbox illegal also?

no it is not illegal!
you can do what the hell you like to an xbox, just ask JBennet ~ his is modded, he would be the best person the help!

thanks, but i've already modded it, so i just wanted to know if i could talk about it there, so how do you install a bigger hard drive with out a modchip?

here's what i'll try to do. i'll put the xbox hard drive in my computer and with a program called hdd unlock, i'll unlock it, then using norton ghost i'll copy it to a bigger hard drive. will that work?

Its a legal grey area. Best not to talk about it here. Ask on the "xbox-scene" forums or something.

And i only did a case mod not a mod of the BIOS.

Do you know you can swap out the ATA cables to make it like 3x times faster by the way? Check the net for details

no i didn't know that. i didn't flash the bios, i just installed linux on it, kind of, is that illegal?

yeah its against the xbox EULA and the DMCA. Best not to mention about that here ;)

okay, so my questions is, why are people allowed to buy modchips if they're illegal? shouldn't ms do something? and just becuase it breakse the EULA, doesn't mean it's illegal, it's like buying a dell and dual booting linux, you just change the os.

its illegal in the US under the DMCA as it bypasses the xboxes built in copy protection. libdvdcss is also illegal in the US for the same reason.

that's just retarted. then dell could one day say, "from now on, you would be breaking the license agreement and void the warranty if you modify or upgrade our computers"
it doesn't make sense.

it is also "illegal" to remove or alter the sony rootkit software that was installed by playing music released by the BGM label (sony owned) on your computer.

our legislation is totally backwards.

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