Is there anybody know any "tricks or treat" of how to apply for a computer programming job? I graduated with a Computer Science degree in 2006 and has been desperately looking for a job since then. I'be been through countless job interviews and none of the employers accepted me AT ALL. I think I've just wasted the last five years of my life for a useless degree. Newspapers and statistic reports just kept saying IT field is in shortage of programmers and Companies/Corporations are hiring now. But, the reality is that they don't hire new graduates. Here are some facts about my academic knowledge.

GPA: 3.0
Familiar with: C/C++/C#, Java, and Visual Basic
Academic experience with: ASP.NET, JSP/Sevlet, PHP, and Perl/CGI

Thanks in advance for any of your suggestions.

i feel your pain i had the hardest time getting started in the it field. it's funny how every one want u to have a Bs, or Ms and yet they are not willing to hire when u graduate.....does your college have a placement center. da search for entry level it job on if u are in NY area i can recommend a company thats employing phone tech

i feel your pain i had the hardest time getting started in the it field. it's funny how every one want u to have a Bs, or Ms and yet they are not willing to hire when u graduate.....does your college have a placement center. da search for entry level it job on if u are in NY area i can recommend a company thats employing phone tech

Thanks for the tip. I'm actually in the west, Sacramento, CA. Plus, I'd like to be a Web/Software Developer. I spent an average of 8 hrs/day seaching for jobs and it's driving me CRAZY. This is even harder than doing projects. I don't know if I EVER, EVER get a job AT ALL. Yes, my college has a job center. I've been appling ... and applying ... countless places. And as always. I usually get a letter in return saying "THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN OUR COMPANY. WE DECIDED TO GO FOR OTHER CANDIDATE." I don't even know what they want .. like 5.0 GPA ... have a brain as big as Einstein. I wish Einstein could help us with the time machine. I'd go back and change my major without even give it a second thought. I am starting to think that school is only a joke.

Thanks for the tip. I'm actually in the west, Sacramento, CA. Plus, I'd like to be a Web/Software Developer. I spent an average of 8 hrs/day seaching for jobs and it's driving me CRAZY. This is even harder than doing projects. I don't know if I EVER, EVER get a job AT ALL. Yes, my college has a job center. I've been appling ... and applying ... countless places. And as always. I usually get a letter in return saying "THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN OUR COMPANY. WE DECIDED TO GO FOR OTHER CANDIDATE." I don't even know what they want .. like 5.0 GPA ... have a brain as big as Einstein. I wish Einstein could help us with the time machine. I'd go back and change my major without even give it a second thought. I am starting to think that school is only a joke.

What school did you graduate from?
Perhaps you are in CA which is much more competitive for people in your field?

What type of work are you interested in doing exactly- I know right now you would probably do anything, but what are the top three career paths/goals you want to pursue if you could choose your "dream" job?

also, what projects have you done before and can we see your portfolio anywhere?

@ Hamu
i agree with you, especially when u are not even given the chance to prove yourself. and take for eg u have all the knowledge and degree to boost, but a friend or relative of the ceo will get the job over you some one who cant even comprehend the field or work, it should be mandatory that school find u a job before u graduate and stop focusing on sucking u pocket dry on tuitions. books and senseless graduations dress up which u have to pay for as if the thousands of dollors u pay was not enough u have to pay to graduate, they are the same ones who tell u will need a student loan to offset expenses. u earn the degree from blood and sweat from sleepless night, stress and for u to colle`ct what u paid for and earned u have to pay again. still no job at the end of the line.

What school did you graduate from?
Perhaps you are in CA which is much more competitive for people in your field?

What type of work are you interested in doing exactly- I know right now you would probably do anything, but what are the top three career paths/goals you want to pursue if you could choose your "dream" job?

also, what projects have you done before and can we see your portfolio anywhere?

I did a senior project before I graduated. It was an Admin system for my local University in PHP. Due to the security issue, they hide the web site I built somewhere .. only the admin can log in. Well. of course I didn't build it all by myself .. it was the team effort and they can always call my University to verify that. Anyway, I've gone through many job interviews and those senior programmers don't even care to listen to my senior project. Mostly, they wanna find the EXACT MATCH for the vacant position they're trying to fill up. Speaking of "dream job", do people in my position have the luxury to negotiate for "DA DREAM JOB"? I don't mean to be negative ... but spending 8hrs/day searching for jobs in the last 12 months just really got into my nerve. I wanna start out as Web developer and work my way up to DBA ... however ... I'll take anything that any employer offer.

ps: I graduated from Sacramento State.

don't know about CA, but where I'm from, it is normal for employers to hire experienced people for programming jobs, while new graduates are taken in on entry level positions like QA/QC, until they learn the company specifics and can advance to DEV

Try to get in as a trainee, ask your senior friends to refer you to their companies

or go for some certification which gurantees job, or else move to cities like bangalore.

I did a senior project before I graduated. It was an Admin system for my local University in PHP. Due to the security issue, they hide the web site I built somewhere .. only the admin can log in. Well. of course I didn't build it all by myself .. it was the team effort and they can always call my University to verify that. Anyway, I've gone through many job interviews and those senior programmers don't even care to listen to my senior project. Mostly, they wanna find the EXACT MATCH for the vacant position they're trying to fill up. Speaking of "dream job", do people in my position have the luxury to negotiate for "DA DREAM JOB"? I don't mean to be negative ... but spending 8hrs/day searching for jobs in the last 12 months just really got into my nerve. I wanna start out as Web developer and work my way up to DBA ... however ... I'll take anything that any employer offer.

ps: I graduated from Sacramento State.

Hi again hamutathmu,

I have a project that might suit your preferences and skills. Below is some basic info about the project. Let me know if you are interested to speak in more detail about it.

- This is a start-up project. We are creating an online platform/marketplace for travel-related services
- We have some developers already working on building the platform, about 1.5 months into development
- developed using PHP, MySQL
- planning Beta launch in Jan 08, official launch April 08
- 4 founding members
- company located in NY, looking to expand

- We are looking for a IT Executive who will wear many hats
- he/she will have to review the code upon completion, test out database architecture and design, make recommendations to founding team, prepare the site for launch as well as to scale up quickly after launch, manage/work on on-going projects
- we would like to start this person off on a part-time/freelance basis (package negotiable) for the first few months and if this person proves to be what we are looking for to help our project takeoff, we can re-negotiate a competitive package along with incentives
- most importantly we are looking for someone who has the drive and ambition to succeed, is willing to work hard and shares our vision for where we want to take the business.

Email me at if you are interested.

Let me give you a head start. Please look for some consulting jobs to start with. Try to take short term projects if you are willing to re-locate based on where the project is. I can provide info on some consulting companies if you would like that. Iam also launching a portal for finding only contract/consulting jobs in IT, end of this month.

Is there anybody know any "tricks or treat" of how to apply for a computer programming job? I graduated with a Computer Science degree in 2006 and has been desperately looking for a job since then. I'be been through countless job interviews and none of the employers accepted me AT ALL. I think I've just wasted the last five years of my life for a useless degree. Newspapers and statistic reports just kept saying IT field is in shortage of programmers and Companies/Corporations are hiring now. But, the reality is that they don't hire new graduates. Here are some facts about my academic knowledge.

GPA: 3.0
Familiar with: C/C++/C#, Java, and Visual Basic
Academic experience with: ASP.NET, JSP/Sevlet, PHP, and Perl/CGI

Thanks in advance for any of your suggestions.

Also meanwhile you can gain some exposure by posting articles in your skill set on my portal. My portal is a rapidly growing tech portal for all IT related guys. You can use this as a show case for your skills too and you might end up with a god job.

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