to my findings there are to many windows baised programming, not enough unix or mac (which is unix baised) colleges. what i need help on is what colleges specialize in unix and/or mac programming. (cis degree) and please please dont say devry, they are 100% strickly windows and windows is to buggy and the filing system annoys the hell out of me and that the fact that it doesnt d-frag and the windows os ai isnt capable of thinking ahead very well (even though i pages on the hardrive IF YOUR GOING TO DO THAT HAVE YOUR OS BE THINKING WAY AHEAD OF TIME NOT BEHIND) sorry for my rantings, but yes unix or mac specialty colleges? any ideas where?

If getting a job in the software development field is your goal, I don't think you really need to bother with taking Mac or Unix-oriented programming courses in college. For one thing, most programming courses taught are for the command line, so the operating system hardly makes a difference anyway. And secondly, no amount of silly exercises and homework your teacher can give you will ever prepare you for a real programming job. Ask most professional programmers, and they'll say they were self-taught (and while I wouldn't consider myself a 'professional' programmer, I do include myself in the 'self-taught' category). What would probably be more beneficial for you is to take courses such as computer science, where they teach you the theory behind computing and programming. Not to discourage you or anything, but when it comes down to it, employers don't really care what qualifications you have. If you're able to program, you get the job. :-)

accutally the programming language is vastly diffrent, and the logic for it is slightly diffrent, the filing systems are totaly diffrent, the diffrence between windows and mac is everything, programming languages unix doesnt use c++ as much, mac hardly ever uses it, and im not good at self thougt, with the mac and unix programming you have to think diffrently and use slightly diffrent logic because the science isnt the same if it was then why does "unix and mac" and "windows" have completly diffrent assembly langages (besides the fact that windows uses bios, and not efi's), and why is the syntax code completly diffrent, and the langauge set up completly diffrent, all the root stuff if, else, if else, and, or, do, while, ect. things like this still are same only because there univeraslly understood but everything else is entirely diffrent. the two logics are completly diffrent, windows programming i understand at the cost of a head ache dispite that i love the programming hate how windows emplment applications and creates them and has them organized (even on the harddrive what a f-up there), but i cant wrap my mind around what were the people smoking when they desided the programming snytax and the formatting and the assembly so jagged and uneven, i see why pro's dont program on mac, because devolper isnt helping out any. and all the thrid party software only makes it harder to try to relearn programming so there has to be someone who speclizes in mac and or unix programming because any programming course is not the same by far 90% programming languages on windows are not supported by unix or/and mac

>accutally the programming language is vastly diffrent
Which programming language are you referring to?

>programming languages unix doesnt use c++ as much, mac hardly ever uses it
I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you implying that you can only develop software in a language that your operating system was written in?

>im not good at self thougt
I remember one programmer saying this: "If you (as a programmer) are not learning anything new, you're falling behind." Self-teaching is something that professional software developers often do on a daily basis. If you can only ever learn when you have a professor teaching you, I'd seriously question your capability of becoming a professional programmer.

>with the mac and unix programming you have to think diffrently and use slightly
>diffrent logic because the science isnt the same if it was then why does "unix and mac" and
>"windows" have completly diffrent assembly langages
Because you're evaluating code at machine instruction level. Code is compiled for a specific architecture and kernel, and the resulting instruction code can only run on the kernel it was compiled under. That's why you can't grab a Linux binary and run it under Darwin (Mac OS X). But just because the resulting machine code has many differences between platforms doesn't mean that the actual higher-level code that generated these instructions is platform-dependent. In fact, if you write your code conforming to the standards, you should rarely have trouble porting your programs (and skills) over to a different operating system.

>but i cant wrap my mind around what were the people smoking when they desided the
>programming snytax and the formatting
The programming language designers had almost nothing to do with operating system developers. And which language are you referring to? Assembly? Guess what, most programmers don't write their programs in assembly! Assembly is only ever used in extremely small sections (and very rarely at that) when trying to gain low-level optimizations from a specific algorithm used in the code, or when writing bootstrap code for an operating system.

>and all the thrid party software only makes it harder to try to relearn programming
You have a point there. However, in college you'll be mostly learning libraries built into the language. And once you understand the concepts behind the programming, it's not has hard as you think to learn a new API (and it's something you'll have to do anyway, regardless of whether you choose a Mac/Unix-only college).

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