I have a amd processor a sound blast live sound card. I recently lost all info from hard drive and had to reinstall windows xp all over again. The sound was working fine b4 failure. I have all the drivers needed for sound installed. what can I do?

Did you update the drivers? Was there a problem with the computer like a power surge?

I found the drivers for the sound card and it finally worked. thanks

Good to hear it's working. One time I downloaded what Gateway said was the correct drivers for a Gateway computer and it still didn't work! So somebody advised me to try third-party sound drivers, and what do you know it worked? I don't know why. lol

Mostly its all about drivers and their updates when talks about Sound problem in PCs. I am also using AMD and had the same problem, drivers was not installed properly actually at that time...

PC with Sound and Music is just nothing sometimes..

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