I had a web site , and it is a web site for community of my state.. Please advice me some good and effective search engine optimization methods...


The most important thing is to have quality contents and keep them updating.

Well. Maybe you could start by writing some important unique content for your web site, stuff that people want to read. Then maybe you can optimize the different web page elements (Titles, Descriptions, headings etc.) for each webpage. That should get you started in the right direction.

i couldn't agree more with canadafred. relevant copy is important but don't stuff it. relevant and smart title + meta description. if you have a database, you should dynamize the tags + descr. and even the H1 H2 H3 s.

good luck: ernie

dear rajesh,

local knowlwdge always help you to engage your users.. if you can give them good knowledge in terms of pictures, answers or anthing then it will help. also make contacts with some related websites...

interesting and good quality content is a must to attract
people in visiting your site...

suppose you have a small client who has a static page BUT with excellent content about their service. what are some techniques you can use to optimize it ... OR would you still need to update content in the form of forum or blogs.

Also no one has mentioned relevant link exchanging ...

Yeah, good and unique content is the first thing you do. Create a content that can catch the eyes of the readers.

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