Hi everyone,
Could anyone tell me what is the SEO and and other things related to it iam sorry but iam little new to such things..If I have a website so how I can promote it to Top Rank??

Thanks in Advance.!!

If you're referring to "organic", that's getting your site ranked without paying to do so which would be principally using Google's Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. A major component is using the "right" keywords. Another is making your site easy for the searchbots to visit and collect information. A good place to start is google.com/webmastertools. Not only will you find a couple of useful tools, there are also several tutorials there to speed you on your way.
Wordtracker (wordtracker.com) also has several free tutorials about keyword optimization that you will find valuable.
Lastly, look in on http://www.SearchEngineWorkshops.com. They have tons of information available for free as well as their daily "Tip of the Day" that comes to you by email.
Good luck to you.


If you're going to create a website i suggest you first to go thru the Google Webmaster Guidelines. The tips shows, how to create a search engine friendly design.

The next step should be On-page optimization which includes:

1. Keywords Research
2. Content optimization of web pages
3. W3C Validation of web pages
4. Creation of XML and ROR Sitemaps
5. Creating Robots.txt file
6. Working on source code of WebPages
7. Images and hyperlink optimization
8. Checking internal linking structure of all the WebPages
9. Meta Tags optimization

Another step is off-page optimization which includes the following activities:

1. Web Directory Submission
2. One way link building
3. Reciprocal link building
4. Article Submission
5. Press Release Submissions
6. Social Bookmarking & Networking
7. Blog Posting
8. Forum Posting
9. Blog commenting

These are the steps one should follow before and after launching the website.

SEO is a very broad topic. I'd suggest that you get involved with other forums too like Digital Point, Webmaster-Talk, and Warrior Forums. They have some good threads there about SEO. Also, read a few articles online. Hope this helps.


Hey, I think you new here, anyway ..
Search engine optimization is everything that can be done to make a search engine send more traffic to a web site.
Usually this means defining keywords or key phrases and trying to have your web site listed first (or at least near first) for those key terms.
Search engine optimization is usually divided into two categories of tasks:
· On-page optimization
· Off-page optimization
On-page optimization is designing your web pages to achieve the best ratings from the search engines.
On-page optimization activites include:
· Writing keyword-rich text
· Applying good ALT tags to images
· Making sure that the web page can be properly "spidered" by all of the search engines
· Off-page optimization consists of creating inbound links to your web page.
You can also reach SNIP to know more about SEO, or Promote your site..
All the Best!!

I needed some information related to SEO, my question was, if i got a fresh website then from which process i have to start to do SEO. and i have got answer for this. thank you:)

If you have got the answer, good. Just follow the rules and your site and you will see the results coming.
Best Luck!

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