Hi Friends,

I want to know that, what is social media optimization.
what is the process to do that for a website.

Thanks in advance.

Social media optimization is a fancy way of saying Facebook and Twitter spamming (random commenting with your signature links and often the links of your clients). The basic SEO purpose of social networking is to artificially increase link popularity.

commented: Exactly. The mass of them here in this forum will probably disagree with you though. +19

I don't agree that social media optimization is spamming with signatures. You can use blogs and forums for that. People use social media to build a community around theirselves or their products. The more people are involved, the more people know about you. Share your thoughts, recommedations and experience - that's Social Media. You can check

I don't agree that social media optimization is spamming with signatures. You can use blogs and forums for that. People use social media to build a community around theirselves or their products. The more people are involved, the more people know about you. Share your thoughts, recommedations and experience - that's Social Media.

I agree with you, Social Media is one good source of quality backlinks..

I love socialising through many of them avaliable through the web.

I don't agree that social media optimization is spamming with signatures. You can use blogs and forums for that. People use social media to build a community around theirselves or their products. The more people are involved, the more people know about you. Share your thoughts, recommedations and experience - that's Social Media. You can check

Yeah, I agree that building communities around your products or your company is what social media optimizing is about. I've thought about the site, ning.com, and have started to imagine my future business with a social media membership site built into it.

It is true. Social media could help a lot in building quality backlinks through your circle or network of friends and relatives.


You need to submit your website to socila media sites which helps to bring quality visitors to the site.

SMO pertains to the process of optimizing the company's role on the web in order to boost sales and improve visibility, traffic, and overall web presence.

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