Sometime tomorrow, Microsofts Live Search will be replaces by BING! Many have said that this is Microsoft's attempt to know Google from the top of the search engine world but Ballmer and the boys and girls in Redmond deny this. What do you think and how may this alter your company's SEO strategy?

Sometime tomorrow, Microsofts Live Search will be replaces by BING! Many have said that this is Microsoft's attempt to know Google from the top of the search engine world but Ballmer and the boys and girls in Redmond deny this. What do you think and how may this alter your company's SEO strategy?

I see is redirecting to . Hope to see less crap search result from bing , may be it is developed from scratch , search algortihm used in might be also scrapped.

Microsoft launches a new look to live through Bing with new strategy to beat Google but it is not so easy.

Microsoft launches a new look to live through Bing with new strategy to beat Google but it is not so easy.

There is one interesting development to the Bing story that will already require a modification to the algorithm. It seems that when you search for videos, Bing allows you to view a small piece of the video while still in the search results, prior to entering the specific site. This is for any videos, so anyone who types in a porn-related search term for videos will be able to watch a portion of the video without entering the site. This turns Bing into a mini-porn site and in some cases may circumvent the age filters the sites are required to put up to keep kids out.

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