I just took my first look at Google Squared in the Google Labs. It is an early stage Beta (works great for some searchs, really bad for others). If you do not know what it does, here is a quick example. You type in a keyword or phrase, say "restaurants Venice Italy". The results are presented in a matrix where the first column is the name of the restaurant (ideally), then a graphic (photo or logo from the website or whatever the listing is that is tapped for the info), then the next columns are where it gets interesting. Perhaps the address or the phone number or the type or cuisine or payment types, etc,. You can then remove any of the columns, except the first of course, and either substitute any of the other possibilities Squared identifies or you could add your own.

Now while this is still in labs it is not an issue in terms of SEO but when and if it goes live you can be certain that companies/website owners will be demanding the top spot. I invite any who read this thread and are interested to check out the Beta, play with it and let come back and share your thoughts on what the future implications may be for this in the SEO universe.

Thanks for the information! It seems that Google want to show the results of sites which are more usable.

Thanks for the information! It seems that Google want to show the results of sites which are more usable.

As I said in my original post, it is still real early in the Beta for this. I typed in WWII (amateur historian for fun) and the results included three active duty ships that were not in WWII, a site about Pearl Harbor and one about the Potsdam Conference to name a few. On top of that, the secondary columns were not very relevant to the main column. Obviously needs lots of work it they are intending to release it. Then the SEO fun will begin.


Thanks for the info this will be a very useful tool eventually, for the moment i did not get the answers i was looking for when i searched.

I search for PIZZA and i got not results like some other words why is this.


Thanks for the info this will be a very useful tool eventually, for the moment i did not get the answers i was looking for when i searched.

I search for PIZZA and i got not results like some other words why is this.

Like I said in my original post, this is still early in development. If you do your search with maximum info (ie., 'pizza greenwich village delivery') you will get much better results. Then you will really be able to play with it. What I like is that you are provided with a few default column definitions for information to be shown but you can also add your own. This is where I am wondering what the SEO implications will be because you will need to anticipate as many of the possible column definitions people would use for a search where you would want your site to appear at or near the top.

Ok makes sense, i assumed it would work like the google search engine which automatically determines your estimate location.

Ok makes sense, i assumed it would work like the google search engine which automatically determines your estimate location.

I just started a new thread about a new type of search engine called Hunch. As I think more about it and Squared, I wonder what it would be like to possible combine the two. It seems to me it could possible be the most intuitive search engine if it came into existence.

Nice information and it is really very helpful in seo work for website promotion.

Thanks for the information this is new to me

I just read a blog about Squared through one of the Linkedin groups I belong to and the person who wrote it was touting Squared as this great new tool for companies to be able to position their products for consumers. I replied that the Squared was still to raw to be used at that level yet but this brought up a new issue for SEOs and webmasters alike. Managing the expectations of sales forces who see Squared as another revenue generator that they want to run with now. God help us.

i have no idea what this google square mean.. i will ceck it out asap.

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