As a seoer we know that the links have internal link and external link,but which one is more important?
I think it is internal,you know it is easy to control and if your internal link are good,the pr will be transfer to other pages.The external link need time to build,and we do not assure all of our internal link could promotion our website.

And you?

I agree i think internal is better because it is easy to control

Both linking have their own importance internal link is helpful in website strength and easy access for bots and more and more external links increases traffic and visibility of website in search engine result pages.

Both are important to indicate the stats of a website.

<snip fake signature>

Basically both has almost same importance have to work for both..

internal linking is required for he easy navigation , flowing of pr juice through the entire website etc

whereas external linking is required for the online presence and getting backlink for highly reputed website..

Both of them is having their own significance and importance and you cant neglect any one of them.

If you really want to carry on a long way with your site then you have to work on both of them and how they work is stated earlier by ArvindSharma.
Traffic and PR both are important for any any website.

I agree with everyone else, to ignore or minimize the importance of one for the other is cutting off your nose to spite your face. And it is a disservice to your company/client as your goal is to provide them with the best opportunity for the highest page rank possible.

Both are imp but internal link is more useful

Both have equal importance, the internal links can be influenced with anchor text and so on the backlinks from higher page can boost up your ranking.

As a seoer we know that the links have internal link and external link,but which one is more important?
I think it is internal,you know it is easy to control and if your internal link are good,the pr will be transfer to other pages.The external link need time to build,and we do not assure all of our internal link could promotion our website.

And you?

BOth of then are very important for me, to build your google PR both of them play a role.

Yes, I agreed. Internal links are very important. but you should more careful on it. otherwise google thinks thats links are generated as spam links ( dont know how to call it :( )

the safest way is, put ur internel links to your last 3 blog posts.
so the links are works as a cycle. thats y all are talking about internal links.
when u post a new post, remove the links from 3rd post. but no matter if any links to that 3rd post.

When I first started learning about SEO I was told that external links, especially backlinks, should be thought of as votes that the search engines tally to help to determine PR. The more backlinks there are indicated the level of trust in the site people have and the search engines take notice.

Internal links are important because they are considered while designing websites in an SE friendly manner and the inbound links are needed since without them, no rankings would be had.

I regard with the rest of the posters. Both internal and external links are strong influences. What is really important is the quality of the links and how these links are relevant to the content of your sites. Keep these factors in mind.

I think both internal linking and external linking are equally important, as both of them helps to boost the ranking via anchor text.

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