That's what happned to me recently just started working on new website with loaing time issues etc page rank dropped to 0 but then again in 16 days of efforts (on page , off page both) I got it back to 4 which was never 4 before. Visit the link below.

<plug snipped>

Thats nice that you got back your PR. Sometimes due to change in layout PR drops, recently i went through a article which stated that thing and explaining the reason for that.

I am at office so i cant give you the link.its bookmarked in my PC.

Ok I will wait fo it give it to me when you will be at home.

That's pretty cool. Just because of layout... interesting!

I think such temporary jumps are going to be temporary, it can be good letting us know of the update in the coming weeks.

I think such temporary jumps are going to be temporary, it can be good letting us know of the update in the coming weeks.

Sure I will and if it goes up to 5 or 6 then?

you may want to check a couple different PR sites as they may pull the information from different dataservers, and that could be the reason for the difference.

try and to make sure about the consistancy of your PR.

Might be the domain is taken from the expired list and having good reputation in search engines. Otherwise it is difficult to get 4 PR in few days. Whatever the reason Congratulations for it and try to maintain it.

Might be the domain is taken from the expired list and having good reputation in search engines. Otherwise it is difficult to get 4 PR in few days. Whatever the reason Congratulations for it and try to maintain it.

Thanks wish you the same for you.

yeah, and let us know what techniques you did so we can copy them. haha.

It's not uncommon for a new web site to start off with a PR4 landing page immediately after coming out of the sandbox effect (PR0). Chances are that you have acquired two or three decent incoming links and that you have deployed an effective internal linking structure. It also seem common that these new web sites that start off with entrance pages having a PR4 will drop to a PR3 in as little as two weeks (not that any of this really means anything significant other than your SEO work is sound and off in the right direction). I'd say: keep up the good work and you should see some good rankings starting to spring up in the SERPs in the next few months.

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