Hello All,

I have one blogsite, nothing great about it just my personal journal.I put a post there almost daily occasionally putting up few pics as well.The problem is that my blog never comes in google search.Even if I put one whole sentence of my post in google it will never search it.Then I myself put the whole URL on google and it still says page not found whereas my blogsite is there since months.

You can check it as well << url snipped >> if you put this in google it will say page not found, how is this possible.

If someone wants I can send the whole source code which itself is not mine but taken from blogspot.My friend's blog comes in google but why not mine???

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance


You did of course submit your site - but how long ago? It can take a couple of weeks before it is indexed by google.


Someone told me that you don't need to subit your site to google, even then I submitted it something like 2 months back yet it is not getting listed.

Neither the full url << http://www.---------.com >> nor this one << http://----------.com >> is giving any result.

do you think blogspot ppl are not allowing me to do this..I have already checked all the settings,


do you think blogspot ppl are not allowing me to do this

Hmm I doubt it. I was able to find other blogspot sites in google... I would submit a support ticket to blogger.

Thanks, DanceInstructor.
I had asked them this question and they merely gave me the link of their help page.Lets hope they reply to your ticket.

The most probable reason that your blog is not being indexed by Google, is that you do not have links pointing to your site. Google should find you if you are linked from pretty much any indexed site. The days of manual submission to Google are over (so I've heard).

I thought that any site which is on Net would be indexed by google.I think this might be the reason that my site is not listed in any other site.But there are lot of links in my blogsite as I give the references from where I take information.

How to get links pointing to my blogsite??

Thanks for the replies..from today my blogsite has started coming in Google.I have put up links to my blogsite at few of the places and also today at daniweb.

Thanks once again

Thanks for the replies..from today my blogsite has started coming in Google.I have put up links to my blogsite at few of the places and also today at daniweb.

Thanks once again

Having links to your site in your signature also helps build link popularity ;)

Having links to your site in your signature also helps build link popularity ;)

are we normal members of daniweb allowed to do that..I thought it is not allowed to mention your website name in your posts..I had mentioned in my first post which was removed by admin

are we normal members of daniweb allowed to do that..I thought it is not allowed to mention your website name in your posts..I had mentioned in my first post which was removed by admin

:) You are NOT allowed to mention it in posts (and neither is the owner of this site. :cry: I would even edit her post if she does it. Rules are rules and are same for everyone here ;) ).

However, you can setup your signature in the control panel and they would appear below every post you make :)


Until you have ten posts, no site advertisements are allowed. Once you've made ten posts on the site, you have the opportunity to use your forum signature and advertise there (as Pulse said) but you also have the opportunity to create a blog where you can link to your site, and post in the Site Reviews forum or in the Webmaster Marketplace. Anyone can swap links with us in the link dorectory - you don't even need be a registered member :)

Hey 'Pulse' & 'Cscgal' ,
thanks for the clarification.I have alreayd swapped the link with daniweb and now since I have crossed the limit of10 posts I will add my signature.
Thanks a lot you all, this site rocks !!!

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